Today I was given the honor to guest post at Caring for Carleigh.

The author is Holly Haas and she is a very special friend of our family. Please read the story and find out just how she has touched our family. I have no doubt that her story will touch you too.
I could write many blog posts about how truly special she is, and the moving story that she has to tell. However I will let her words do the talking to your hearts just as they have ours.

Please click one of the links to Caring for Carliegh. Read our story (my guest post) then learn for yourself more about this wonderful family. Their story touches all who read it.
You can also read more about the Haas family at Haas Family Blessings.
This post and my guest post are dedicated to Carleigh and all the Haas family. Our love to you always.
Please visit their blogs and leave them some comment love.
Love and Prayers,