The kids had a blast making cookies for Santa's arrival. They rolled the dough themselves and put them on the cookie sheet. Daddy put them in the oven as that isn't yet something they are allowed to do, and after they were done the kids did all the decorations. We were so surprised to see that Santa actually ate them seeing how they really didn't look all that appetizing.
Hope you enjoy the pics!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Cookies for Santa
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:38 AM 14 Soldier's saluted this post
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Please Pray for Stellan
Most of you know who Stellan is, but for those of you who don't you can click on the button below to learn of his story. He has been taken to the emergency room and is in need of our prayers. He is only about 8 weeks old, and seems to be having some problems with his heart in which they thought they were done with.

Below is a brief summary of Stellan's story by his mother MckMama. Please visit their blog to learn more, but please please be in prayer for Stellan and their family.
MckMuffin is our sweet newborn son S! In the womb, he was diagnosed with heart failure: premature atrial contractions at 20 weeks; supra ventricular tachycardia, hydrops, and intermittent advanced secondary heart block at 23 weeks; and enlargement of the heart at 32 weeks. When the doctors told us at 24 weeks that our very ill baby would surely die, we chose to give our son completely to God, for He alone knows best. We have not stopped praising our Lord since then, for MckMuffin was healed and was born a well and whole full-term baby!!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:44 AM 0 Soldier's saluted this post
Monday, December 15, 2008
2008 Christmas Tour of Homes!
You can also take The Tour of Homes if you like to see Christmas pictures. Just click on the button above and go through the list of blogs at the bottom of BooMama's post.
We want to start by sharing our Elf dance with you. If you havent done it, do it soon!!! Too funny. Also, it is a really good idea to go down to the music player on this page and pause the music before trying to listen to the video's. Enjoy!

Our Christmas lights are now up for those of you who like to come by and check them out. While our lights are scaled down a bit from years past, they are still programmed to your favorite Christmas songs. There are thoughts of adding to them as we get closer to the big day, but we will have to wait and see. We want to make sure that Santa is able to see our house from the sky high above.
It was fun watching Will's reaction to the lights when we finally turned them on for the kids. He wasn't old enough last year to understand or appreciate it, but this year he is old enough to really enjoy the lights. He danced in the street to the music and said "I like it daddy, I like it."
Here is a picture I took of the house. The picture shows most of the lights but doesn't do it justice as all the different parts are shown lit when they really come off and on to the music.
So here is some video!!! You might want to pause the blogs music by going to the music feature below which is just to the right of the counter downer picture so that you can hear the music in the video better. Enjoy!
Will's first Christmas!
Taylor's first Christmas!
Our Tree!
Lit up!
Our count-downer. It's gettin lower!
More to come here soon! Make sure to watch for more Christmas pics soon to go up, as well as the House Lights Video (Now up). We hope you have enjoyed. See you next year, enjoy the rest of your tour!
Merry Christmas and God Bless
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:17 PM 10 Soldier's saluted this post
Why I Coach Soccer
This is just one of the many things I have received from kids while coaching. Sometime its gifts, pictures, cards, or just something they colored for me. I have too many to try and put them all on this post, however they are all very meaningful to me. I remember the first one I got from a little girl named Emma, as it brought me to tears. These kids mean so much to Coach Jeff and I, so to all the kids I've coached and the parents and families of those kids:
Merry Christmas!!! We are always thinking of you!
Coach Tim
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:52 AM 0 Soldier's saluted this post
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What is this Stuff?!
My first I heart faces entry.

It's almost too hard to believe when it happens. People around here don't know how to act. Some even consider it some what of a miracle, while others just don't know what to think or do. So what is it that has so many in our parts up in stitches when it happens?
The kids got to play in it for just a bit. You can see the flakes on Will's jacket as well as in their hair. It wasn't sticking at that time as it wasn't cold enough yet, however after the sun went down and the temps dropped some it did start to stick. Most of these pics were taken at night so it might be hard to see but it is there.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:07 PM 0 Soldier's saluted this post
Friday, December 5, 2008
Our Newest Guest
Well it took going to eight different places before we finally found this little guy and the book that comes with him, but we are so happy he is now here. He is sold about almost everywhere you go, but we finally found him at Hallmark in The Woodlands.
The Elf on the Shelf a Christmas Tradition is a book by Carol Aebersold and Chandra Bell. It is a Christmas tradition that you can start in your own home. He is sent by Santa to keep an eye on your little ones to see if they have been naughty or nice. This keeps them on their best behavior as you can often remind them that he is watching. He returns to Santa each night to report on their behavior and let Santa know all that they have told him. The kids can talk to him but he is under strict rules from Santa not to talk to them. They also cannot touch him as this will disable his magic that allows him to fly to the North Pole each night only to return the next day in a different place (with some help from parents of course) where they must wake up and find him. The book is great to read to the kids so that they understand why he is here and the rules that Santa has given him as well as the rules they must follow. They can tell him secrets, gifts they want, or anything else that is on their mind that they want Santa to know. He will know everything they do whether it is at school, home, or even out and about.
Taylor was a bit scared when she first found him. I asked her what was wrong and she said "Daddy I'm just a little scared and shy because I've never had an elf before!" She has since warmed up to him and talks to him all the time. We try to overhear the things she says and today heard her asking him to tell Santa that she wants a Barbie Cruise Ship. Both kids also went straight to bed tonight were as on most nights they get up a few times before finally settling in. This little guy really works!
Our elf has been named Vas which is short for Vasmer. And what a wonderful tradition he has become. He will return to Santa and the North Pole each Christmas Eve night only to return the day after Thanksgiving each year thereafter. Thanks to those who gave us the idea. The Queens and the Morgans!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:21 PM 2 Soldier's saluted this post
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Elf Dance
Saw this on a friends site and had to add it to ours. Thanks Lindsay, this is too funny! Hope you enjoy it. Check out the link to The Miller Experience to see where I got the inspiration.

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:20 AM 6 Soldier's saluted this post