And back with a bang.
For our first post back into the blogging world, we bring you a video (of course) of Taylor as she performed the only solo by herself during he schools Thanksgiving Program today.
Out of the thousands of kids who could have been picked for this honor Taylor was chosen. Im not boasting here a little bit or anything, NO of course not. I'm also NOT just a little bit proud of my little princess either, no NOT me. :)
So without further ado, here she is!
Thanks to all of the many many of you who have sent well wishes during our absence from the blogging world. It has been so nice to see two to four emails a day wanting to know how we have been, and letting us know that we are missed.
You all are for sure some of the best friends one could have and we are so blessed to know each and everyone of you who follow us here at The Fort.
So on this Thanksgiving we are thankful to you and hope you enjoyed the video. There is more to come! So stay tuned!
Love and Prayers as Always,
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Fort is Back!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:34 PM 40 Soldier's saluted this post
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Will Goes International!
This is a sticky post. It will remain here until the contest ends.
Here it is!
Many of you have made numerous comments about how our kids should be in magazines etc. Those comments are so appreciated and they were heard! So we are entering them into The Gap's casting call.
The Gap will do all the judging, however there is also a contest called fan favorite. This is where you get the chance to vote for your favorites! We hope that you will help us out and vote soon and often! :)
Will has a pic up now and Taylors will be soon to follow. We will be submitting 5 pics of each kid, and would love more than anything if you would go and vote!
The link HERE should take you straight to it. In the search box enter FortThompson09 just like that without any spaces or 909329551 (our id#) and that should list all of our pics. They are not all there yet, but make sure you vote for what is. You can vote once a day until it is over. Any of your votes are GREATLY appreciated!
You will need to register an account to be able to vote. So please do!
Leave us a comment and let us know you voted! We hope you will do it often!
Love and Prayers,
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:59 PM 37 Soldier's saluted this post
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I have come to a very difficult decision. Vlogemotions and Oldies but Goodies are discontinued until further notice. We have many things going on at the current time, and without proper participation have decided to cease these carnivals temporarily.
We do hope to bring them back in the future as we believe them to be very fun and exciting, not to mention a great way to communicate better with your readers.
If you liked these carnivals and would like to see them again sooner than later please leave us a comment or email and let us know.
Thanks to all of you for playing along. We have enjoyed your participation more than you know.
Love and Prayers,
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:21 PM 21 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Oldies but Goodies, Vlogemotions
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sorry this is posting so late, but things have been so crazy around here. The same reason why I am taking my first ever week off. Not to worry though as I will have a post next week.
On another note, if the participation for Oldies but Goodies doesnt go up then next week will be the last week of that carnival. So if you enjoy this fun and easy carnival let me know and help get the word out so it can continue.
For those of you first time vloggers, here are the rules:
1. Post the Vlogemotions button above to the top of your post. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.
2. Post your vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week. Or whatever the theme is for that week.
3. Then click on "click here to see instructions and get the code"
4. Copy the code from the orange box, and paste it into your post. Thats it!
5. Then link up from your own blog!
6. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!
7. Have fun this blog hop is a BLAST!!!
Love and Prayers,

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:43 PM 4 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Vlogemotions
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oldies... but Goodies!

This is a video post that was to announce the winners of a giveaway. The video is to priceless not to share again here.
Please play close attention in this video to my son and daughter. I normally wouldn't give you a look into such things, however I want you to see Fort Thompson for how it is everyday. My son says in the beginning that he just poo pooed, and my daughter is making sure by holding her nose that I know about it. I normally would have edited this out and just shown the announcements of the winners, however I thought this would add some additional humor to your day. I had much difficulty trying to keep my composure through the entire thing. Also pay attention to my daughter at the end who chooses to throw in a few modeling poses of her own. And now for your WINNERS!!!!
Want to play along with Oldies... but Goodies? Its simple, here's how:
1. Post the Oldies but Goodies button to your post.
2. Copy an old post that you would like to share again.
3. Paste it into the new post and link up.
4. Then click "this to get the code", and copy the code in the orange box. Then paste this code into the bottom of your post. That's it! Then you can link up right there on your own blog. That's it! Too easy!
This is a super fun carnival and it so easy to do. It gives us the chance to read new things on your blog that we might have missed, or just never saw because we didn't follow your blog at the time.
So lets catch up! Join in the fun with Oldies... but Goodies!
Love and Prayers,

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:41 PM 12 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Oldies but Goodies, Taylor, Video, Will
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Vlogemotions - Seven Clown Circus

Thanks so much to Angie for being one of our first "featured vloggers" here at The Fort!
She had NEVER done a vlog before, so I give her BIG TIME props for doing so for this special occasion. Please make sure you go by her site and let her know how great she did for a first timer!
Angie has such a great blog! You will love your visit and can get there by clicking her button below. Make sure to mention that The Fort sent ya!
She has two great blog carnivals. Wordful Wednesday's and Tuesday's Tribute. Make sure you check them out too.
There are marketing sites she has started, and she contributes allot to the blog world. I know you will love her just as much as we do! So what are you waiting for? Go pay her a visit, and dont forget to tell her how good she was. Maybe she will do it again. :) That's a hint to you Ang! LOL

For those of you first time vloggers, here are the rules:
1. Post the Vlogemotions button above to the top of your post. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.
2. Post your vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week. Or whatever the theme is for that week.
3. Then click on "click here to see instructions and get the code"
4. Copy the code from the orange box, and paste it into your post. Thats it!
5. Then link up from your own blog!
6. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!
7. Have fun this blog hop is a BLAST!!!
Love and Prayers,

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:21 PM 13 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Angie Lee, Seven Clown Circus, Vlogemotions
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Oldies... but Goodies!

Sorry this post is coming so late in the day, but its been a crazy one.
This Oldie but Goodie comes to you from Taylor's Blog. She wanted to share one with you in this carnival. Its her favorite post. Picture overload warning here for sure, but so worth it if you ask me.
As a special surprise for getting the Core Values Team of the Month Award daddy took us to see the fire station!! It was so much fun as we watched the ladder on the truck go high high into the sky. We also got to spray water at targets right out of the real fire hoses. It was kinda strong and so we got some help holding it from the fireman. Then we got to go inside the truck and look around, everything we did was soooo much fun. I have just enjoyed soccer so much this season. Lots of my friends from last year were on my team again and we won lots of games. Not only did we get to go to the Fire Station, but we get to go to Chuck E. Cheese soon too for our party! I cant wait for that.
Here are some pictures of me and my friends at the fire station. I hope you like them.

Want to play along with Oldies... but Goodies? Its simple, here's how:
1. Post the Oldies but Goodies button to your post.
2. Copy an old post that you would like to share again.
3. Paste it into the new post and link up.
4. Then click "this to get the code", and copy the code in the orange box. Then paste this code into the bottom of your post. That's it! Then you can link up right there on your own blog. That's it! Too easy!
This is a super fun carnival and it so easy to do. It gives us the chance to read new things on your blog that we might have missed, or just never saw because we didn't follow your blog at the time.
So lets catch up! Join in the fun with Oldies... but Goodies!

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:14 PM 17 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Oldies but Goodies, Taylor