Thanks so much to Angie for being one of our first "featured vloggers" here at The Fort!
She had NEVER done a vlog before, so I give her BIG TIME props for doing so for this special occasion. Please make sure you go by her site and let her know how great she did for a first timer!
Angie has such a great blog! You will love your visit and can get there by clicking her button below. Make sure to mention that The Fort sent ya!
She has two great blog carnivals. Wordful Wednesday's and Tuesday's Tribute. Make sure you check them out too.
There are marketing sites she has started, and she contributes allot to the blog world. I know you will love her just as much as we do! So what are you waiting for? Go pay her a visit, and dont forget to tell her how good she was. Maybe she will do it again. :) That's a hint to you Ang! LOL

For those of you first time vloggers, here are the rules:
1. Post the Vlogemotions button above to the top of your post. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.
2. Post your vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week. Or whatever the theme is for that week.
3. Then click on "click here to see instructions and get the code"
4. Copy the code from the orange box, and paste it into your post. Thats it!
5. Then link up from your own blog!
6. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!
7. Have fun this blog hop is a BLAST!!!
Love and Prayers,

13 Soldier's saluted this post:
Wow. Thanks for that introduction, and for the feature. I didn't realize I was going to be front and center. :) I'm certainly a novice vlogger. I need some serious practice! :) Such a great idea, here, Tim.
Hey Tim...
I have visited Angie before and it's so nice to finally be able to "meet" her and to hear her voice. Unfortunately, I'm not participating in Vlogemotions today...Abby has been sick since Tuesday with the flu, so I've been busy taking care of her. I know you understand. I did receive your e-mail about being a featured vlogger, but I'll have to get Chris to help me out with it when he gets home from being on the road, either today or tomorrow. Hope your Thursday is super!
It is nice to meet Angie. I've seen her button on other blogs many times. Wow, 5 kids. Love her pool!
Have a great day!
It is nice to meet Angie. I've seen her button on other blogs many times. Wow, 5 kids. Love her pool!
Have a great day!
I'm going to enjoy this feature series. I've been to her blog before and enjoyed it every time,.
Also....What a GORGEOUS pool.
Wow- what a busy lady- I look forward to checking out her blog!
Hey! Angie in actual MOTION!!
great job, girl!!
love me some Seven Clown!!
How fun to see Angie live. Thanks for featuring her.
Hello Tim,
This is a wonderful new feature to Vlogemotions!
It is so nice to actually see other people and hear their voice. Now, to find their address and go swim in that pool! Summer ends Tuesday!
Enjoyed your video and didn't realize you were doing "Featured Bloggers".
Hey, I'm totally game if you ever decide you want a quirky Texas Gal to feature. {wink}
As always... Great job, Tim!
I've never been to Angie's blog...I'll be sure to visit her!
I finally got Bo's vlog posted...enjoy!
I wish you could see him on his college's TV station....the nut! I don't know if they have a live broadcast on their website. I'll try to find out.
I have decided to stop blogging. I really want to blog, but I am crazy busy and I can’t priorities to blog anymore. I am so sorry.
I'll be sure to visit her.
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