Saturday, May 16, 2009

Monthly Miracles

For those of you who are new to The Fort, once a month I feature a blogger who has experienced either an angel or a miracle. A miracle is defined as a supernatural event that cannot be explained by medicine; an act of God.

If you have a story that you would like to share please please do email it to me. My email addy is listed on my profile page. I can even run it anonymously if you like as many of these events are very personal. If you haven't yet read my miracle story in which started this all, please feel free to do so it is listed here. If you do, please read it in its entirety as it is very personal to me and was very difficult to write.

This month I feature a story of a Grandmother of a very dear friend. Jill known to many of you as Sneaky Momma and her husband Lane Sneaky Daddy have been great bloggy buddies for quite some time. I am honored to feature Jill's story here in this way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

My grandmother (Memaw) passed away in the Fall of 2003. Her health had been declining since the death of my grandfather in 2002. She had cancer. It was something that we didn't really know the full scope of until two weeks before her death. When hospice was called and death was just around the corner, our entire family camped out in her living room; all 16 of us. Her final days were spent surrounded by those on earth that she loved the most, and who loved her the most.

About three days before she died, my grandmother started having ’visitors’ that only she and her cat could see. Their eyes would mirror one another’s as they tracked whatever was in the room. I’ll never forget sitting by my grandmother’s bedside when she excitedly bolted upright in bed. She grabbed my hand and held it tightly as she said, “Do you see him? Do you see him?” When I told her that I didn’t, she said, “Oh, Jill, I wish you could see him. He’s the most beautiful man I ever saw!”

Memaw wanted to tell us all about the man. She said that he was dressed in all white. Sometimes he would come in and sit in the room with us. Other times, my bed-ridden grandmother would see him with our family members in other rooms of the house. Once she told me that the ‘most beautiful man’ was sitting on the couch in between my uncle and my cousin. Sure enough, when I left her room to check, there was a space on the couch in between my cousin and my uncle, large enough for a man to sit in.

Her visitor never spoke. According to her, he just smiled and smiled. When she would speak of him, her eyes would be open wide in amazement. You could tell that she definitely saw something, something peaceful, something wonderful.

She also spoke several times of the door at the end of her bed. She said that it was a small door, a glowing door that she wanted to go through but couldn‘t yet. Nervous glances would dart across the room, as we all understood what would happen when it was time for her to go through that door.

My grandmother passed at home, surrounded by her three children. We are so grateful for the angels that visited us as she prepared to go to Heaven. I can only imagine the reunion that took place as she was reunited with my grandfather and my cousin, who died many years ago. It will be a long time before we know for sure who the most beautiful man was, but I have a real good guess.

I’ve given a lot of thought to what she was really wanted to know when she asked me, “Do you see Him?” I wish I could have that conversation with her now. I want so much to share Him with her in the way she wanted me to. I see Him now in ways that I never saw Him while she was alive. I want to tell her about how I see Him in my children and the goodness that is my husband. How I see Him when I reflect upon the memories that I have of her and my grandfather, in the actions of my parents, and the words of my sister. My heart aches for an adult relationship with her, to tell her how much I love her and appreciate all of the things she did for us.

One of these days we will have that conversation. Of that I am certain.

Make sure to stop by and see Jill at Sneaky Momma and let her know how much you appreciate her sharing such personal moments in her life, especially if this story has touched you as it has me.

Love and Prayers,

18 Soldier's saluted this post: said...

I have chills, chills like I have not felt in ages, if ever! Wow, that is beautiful.

I do have a miracle to share with you. One day I will put pen to paper, or shall I say fingertips to keys...

Yesterday, firehubby did buy me a video camera, but when I got it home, the features were not going to work out.

I am looking forward to joining you soon with a new vlogemo ")

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

As I wipe the tears from my eyes... Thanks for featuring this...

Diane said...

ok, i love your monthly miracles idea!

this was a great story!!! Memaw was comfortable, at peace and surrounded by people (and angels!) that love her.

and i'm big on allowing loved ones to pass at home whenever possible, so this was a doubly nice story.

Tim, you are doing really good things with this blog!! (This is kinda personal but, since your vlogemotions thing started, I've even been srsly thinking about taking my daughter to church...more on that another time...!)

Hope you and yours are having a great weekend!

He & Me + 3 said...

chills and tears. That was awesome Jill.

ღJessicaღ said...

Absolutey Amazing Story.

Thank you for sharing everyone's blog with us! It was an awesome way to start out a Sunday morning! =)

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

What a beautiful and amazing story. I love this Miracles series. It really touches not only my heart but soul.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Such a beautiful and touching story. I so believe her beautiful man was our Lord, and he was there to take her home. Your Miracle series is beautiful. There are so many and our precious Lord still performs miracles every day. Hugs, Marty

Vicky said...

Jill, what a beautiful and touching story!! So fun to see your story featured here! Tim, what a wonderful idea for an inspiring way to share and spread the word about miracles!

Jill, I'll bet Memaw sees, what you have learned and experienced and is smiling at you from above!

Nicole O'Dell said...

Beautiful and inspiring!

Thanks so much for sharing this!

Lee said...

Thank you so much for featuring this story, Tim... it's truly amazing, and it's left me speechless.

Jaysi said...

I love it! What a fantastic story!

Beth E. said...

This was wonderful...I got chills, too! :o)

Lilysgramma said...

Thank you for the wonderful story. I truly enjoy your site and all of your inspiring postings, for this reason, I have given you an award. Please visit my blog to collect it!

Michele said...

Thank you Tim for sharing this with us! gives us all something to think about! Just hearing this story makes you understand that there IS more than just this life...there IS more than just death. Again...thank you for sharing. I so much enjoy reading your blog. Makes my day!!!!

Carebear said...

What a lovely, comforting story to share. My BFF lost her grandmother a couple of years ago, and she also "saw" and spoke to people that no one else in the room could see. She actually thought she was playing checkers with her deceased husband at one point. When she passed, surrounded by children and grandchildren, my friend said there was such a palpable sense of comfort and peace in the room that she is forever certain that death in this realm is just the beginning of something even better in another realm - what a comfort we have in Our God and his promise of everlasting life to those who believe His Son lived and died on the cross only to rise again and rule from Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Yes, chills. What an amazing story.

carrhop said...

This is such a gorgeous, gorgeous story--wow. Thank you so much for featuring it here at Fort Thompson--such an encouragement and inspiration!

Thanks so much, too, for your kind words about my interview--it was so much fun!


Beth in NC said...

I love Jill and that was an awesome testimony of what her Grandmother saw. How wonderful! I pray my parents will see holy messengers to encourage them before they go to heaven. It would definitely bring me comfort concerning them and their destination.