No pics today. Just a bunch of things that I'm gonna miss when they are gone.
1. The way he reaches up and takes my hand to walk with him when we go somewhere.
2. The curls he had just before we cut them.
3. The way he crawls up into my lap after taking a nap and lays his head on my shoulder.
4. When he comes up to me and just ask for a hug, and shortly thereafter will want a kiss too.
5. The way he asks for a second piece of candy when I give him one so that he can share with Taylor. *sniff sniff too sweet*
6. The way he ALWAYS ran to hug Taylor when she got home from school.
1. I will miss her smile without teeth, because she is just as cute without them as she was with them.
2. The way she always wants to help with Will like helping him get buckled in his car seat.
3. Things that she will never do again like her first day of school, graduating kindergarten, loosing teeth, learning to swim, tying her shoes for the first time, scoring her first soccer goal in a game, etc.
4. Taking her with me to play golf.
5. Singing with her in the car to things like High School Musical. She is soo good!
6. Bedtime stories and nightime prayers.
These are just a few of the things I know I will miss or already do. Go stop by and see Pam for more Your Gonna Miss This Moment.
Love and Prayers,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Your Gonna Miss This!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 4:15 AM 27 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Taylor, Will, Your Gonna Miss This Moment
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday Frustrations

If you would like to play along with Friday Frustrations please go see one of my great friends E over at Coversations with Moms!
It wasnt long ago that we traveled to see Carey's parents and most importantly see our newest neice get dedicated. We had all so looked forward to this event and getting to see eveyone.
It didn't go as planned and still has me frustrated till this day. I ended up getting a stomach virus the evening we got there and was not able to attend the ceremony. :( It just made me sick, as if I wasnt already. That was just the worst. I mean its bad enough getting sick when your not at home, but missing something that is so important to you was just unbearable.
This was SOOOO frustrating and I still feel bad about it to this day. Here are some of the pics I was able to take before I felt so bad I couldnt move. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Lindsay, Nate, and Addison we miss you guys so much and cant wait to see you again. I am so sorry that I had to miss the big day. I so wish I could have this weekend back.
Please click on each image to get a better view, and see just how beautiful our niece is!
Taylor's BIG jump!
Taylor and Abby play on the tube!
Bogey enjoys the pool too!
Abby takes the plunge!
Saving the BEST for last, our BEAUTIFUL Addison Clare!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:16 PM 12 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Addison, Friday Frustrations, Taylor, Will
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Vlogemotions IX

Welcome to another week of Vlogemo! My apologies for this terrible vlog post, but I am still under some medication.
This weeks theme is ANYTHING GOES! So feel free to share an emotion, a kid, a friend, a joke, anything you want! It's ALL about you this week and your creativity! I can't wait to see what all you come up with!
Next week there will not be a theme and we will be back to sharing our strongest emotions of the week until further notice. If you have an idea for a them PLEASE PLEASE email it to me. Even if you think its silly, it might just be genious. Some of the most silliest things are.
Also dont forget to link up at the bottom of this post so you can share your Vlogemo post. Try to get as many of your readers involved in this fun and exciting carnival!
If your new to this great carnival and want to play along here are the rules:
1. Post the Vlogemotions button above so that those who come to visit your vlog post can link back to The Fort to see others. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.
2. Post you vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week. Or for those weeks we have a theme play along with that. Each theme is announced in the previous weeks Vlogemotions.
3. After your Vlogemotions post is up, come here and link up at Mr. Linky below.
4. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!
5. Have fun this carnival is a BLAST!!!
Happy Vlogging!
Love and Prayers,

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:30 PM 15 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Video, Vlogemotions
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Taking it All off!
Howdy!!! IM BAAACCK!! Yep you got it, I am again among the living. Still in some pain but it is tolerable at least.
This post will be my Wordful Wednesday. Please visit Angie to find out how you too can join in the fun!
I wanted to share with you something that has been on Carey and I's mind for quite some time now. Will's hair! We talked about it before, and I even put up a poll. We went back and forth, back and forth trying to decide on what to do. Well a decision was made and Carey let me put him in a MOHAWK!!!
You just look at these pics and tell me he's NOT the cutest thing EVER! I DARE YA!!
Oh and sorry for the quality of the pics, but every last one of them had to be shot as a reflection off of the mirror. Click on each pic for a better view!
These are the before pics (same day)!
A little hesitant at first.
Here's what I think of this idea Daddy! Oh and Carey will love this one too!
Ok........ All Better!!!
Oh shes gonna cut off my hair!!!
All those curls........
Wow, she's REALLY doing it....
Ok......THAT tickles!!!!!!!
HERE IT IS!....... Will: YYYYeah, Im not so sure about it.
High five Daddy!
Watch these faces I can make now.... I look so different.
Im STILL soooooo cute!
From 2 to 5 just like that!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during my surgery and the ongoing recovery of it. They have meant so much to me and my family. God Bless you all.
For more Wordful Wednesdays see my good friend Ang at Seven Clown Circus!

Love and Prayers,

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:57 PM 50 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Hair, Will, Wordful Wednesday