Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sad day at The Fort

Today Popa (Tim's Dad) came and took us to Pappadeaux's for lunch. It was a great time, and its always great to see Popa. The kids just LOVE their time with him.

So does Bogey. Bogey just loves Popa so much (because he plays with him ALLOT) that when Popa had to leave Bogey jumped from Carey's hands and fell to the ground breaking his right hind leg in two very serious places.

He is to have surgery hopefully sometime Monday morning hopefully to save the leg. There is literally no connection of the bones now it is just that bad. We can only hope and pray that the surgeon can find a way to pin it back in place so that he can still use it. He will for sure have lasting effects as he grows older as the break occured right at the joint in a growth plate.

Please keep our Bogey in your prayers tonight. As you will see from the pics, he is not feeling so good today. Today it was a sad day at The Fort.

Love and Prayers,

45 Soldier's saluted this post:

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Poor little guy, this makes my heart ache. I will keep you all in my prayers.

McCrakensx4 said...

Poor doggy. Hope all goes well on Monday. Praying for you and Bogey as well as for the kids; this must be hard on them.

Melissa Miller said...

No!!! I am so sorry for poor little Bogey and all of you. Please keep us posted and I hope he will fully recover.

Pam said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Bogey's accident! He looks so cute with his cast though. I'm sure he's not very happy right now being confined but I pray that he makes a great and quick recovery after his surgery Monday.


Brooke said...

I hope he get's well soon...he's in my thoughts and prayers!

He & Me + 3 said...

Saying a prayer...That is just so sad. I hope that he can be mended!

Dot O said...

I will pray, Tim - we got our puppies around the same time and I know what they do to our heartstrings.

I will pray that God guides the surgeon's hands.

Take care.

Daphine said...

Oh no! This really saddens me too! I just said a prayer for Bogey's leg to be completely healed. So sad!! Please keep us posted.

Esther said...

Poor Bogey! This must be hard on the kids, too. You're all in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Awww he does look sad Tim!

Praying for his complete healing!

Blessings and love,

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Poor little Bogey. :( Praying for the fellow.

Kaleena said...

We'll say an extra prayer for the little guy. Bless his poor little heart:( We pray that the surgery is a success! Praying for your family too. I know surgery on a beloved, four-legged family member can take its toll on the littlest members of the family especially.

Wendyburd1 said...

Poor Bogey!! I hope he will be right as rain!!(HUGS)

Debbie Petras said...

I'm so sorry to read this about your Bogey. Poor Bogey. I pray that the vet will be able to take good care of him and that his leg will be OK.

Rune said...

Poor little dog. I will pray for him:)


Anonymous said...

Oh no. This is so sad. :( :(

Sandy said...

So sorry Tim! I'm saying a prayer for him!

Beth in NC said...

Ouch. Poor doggy!

Sherri said...

Oh Poor Bogey! Sending lots of hugs and prayers his way:)

Frantic Holly said...

Many quick healing prayers for Bogey and the surgeon to use all his knowledge.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Poor Bogey. We will keep him in our prayers.

heidi said...

Holy cats! That's just crazy that he broke his legs that severely!! Poor doggie. :-(

Lori said...

Poor Baby!!!

-stephanie- said...

Poor sweet puppy. Prayers going up for Bogey.

Jo said...

"Poor little guy" said the diva when I told her and showed her the pictures! We said and prayer for him and will keep praying! Hugs to all!

Mimi said...

Oh such a sweet little guy, it just breaks my heart!

Oskar, the miniture schnauzer, & I will be praying for Bogey!

Nikki B. said...

poor boge!!! hope they're able to save the leg.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Oh no, poor Bogey! You are all in our prayers and I pray that Bogey's surgery goes well and that he has a complete and fast recovery. I had a Cocker Spaniel break a leg as a puppy and she lived to be 18 years old and was just fine. Hopefully Bogey's recovery will be just as good.

Vaughn Family Chaos said...

Oh that is just too sad!! Prayers are with Bogey and your family tomorrow as it will be a tough day for all...

Lee said...

:( I never like to see animals hurt.
I'm praying for your family and poor little Bogey.

Lynne said...

Oh my, poor baby! I will pray for a successful surgery for Bogey.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Bogey! That is just so sad! I will definitely pray that his surgery is successful!

Daisy said...

Poor little Bogey! I am sending my very best healing purrs and positive thoughts.

BK said...

Sorry to hear about Bogey, hope that we'll have good news from you about his surgery.

Jaysi said...

Oh that is sooo sad. I hate when bad things happen to animals becuase they just seem so innocent. Poor Bogey!!! Hope all goes well for the little guy.

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Poor little thing! Praying for the sweet guy!

Mike Golch said...

poor baby,he is in my prayers.

April said...

Oh, my goodness, Tim...I'm just now getting around to reading everyone's blog. I, usually, take the weekends off. I'm just heartbroken about what happened to Bogey! I know, firsthand, how much you can grow to love a little furry friend who soon becomes such a big part of your family. I will DEFINITELY keep him and all of you in my prayers. Please keep us updated! Big hugs!♥

Unknown said...

Oh my word, poor little Bogey. I will pray that they are able to save his leg.

My friend's Yorkie had an incident with a much larger dog and still has the leg but it keeps dislocating and he doesn't use it most of the time.

Regardless, her dog Auggie runs faster than any other dog I've seen on 3 legs with the 4th one hopping along. Bogey will still very much so enjoy life.

Prayers from a fellow blogfrog community leader.

Jenni said...

Poor puppy! Prayers on the way for Bogey!

Bridget said...

Hope Bogey gets well soon!!!

~Brenda said...

Awww... how very sad!!! That truly is a pitiful picture. I hope Bogey gets well very, very soon.


Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

What a terrible thing to happen to such a sweet face. I hope Bogey gets well quickly.

Misty Rice said...

I am just not getting to my computer since last Thursday. I am so sad to hear that about the little guy. I will be praying that all goes well tomorrow for his surgery. He is a very sweet looking dog.

God Bless

Drew said...

That is so sad. I hope Bogey does well in surgery.

One time, my parents brought their (very old and almost blind) poodle, Molly, to our house. My son wanted them to see the train in the attic. While they were up there, Molly got disoriented and actually fell an entire story off the ledge by the steps. She went into shock (got the shivers), but can you believe she didn't have a single broken bone?

Bogey looks pretty spirited. I'm betting he will make a quick recovery.