I have had a few people ask me to post about my trips to Hawaii. That is going to take some time as I will need to scan in some pics, but I do plan on doing it. So in the mean time, I thought I would give you the post I did back in November of last year when Carey and I went to Bermuda. Enjoy!
Carey and I just got back from our trip to Bermuda. We had a great time and saw some very beautiful things. We did many fun things, however the highlight of the trip had to be the seafood we had. It was for sure some of the best in the world. I will never forget the cod we had at the Swizzle Inn, the lobster at Little Venice, or the tuna at Blu. We also had a very good lunch at Bone Fish at the Royal Naval Dockyards.
Many things were closed as we went after the cruise season had ended. This island is very much run by its tourism so when the cruise season ends so does much of Bermuda. The nice thing about it was that we had every beach we went to all to ourselves, and I mean it was only us. This was kinda nice for the privacy, however none of the concessions were open.
If you go to Bermuda and want to avoid the crowds and just take in the sites and visit the museum's and historical sites then go after the cruise season ends October 31. If you want to do allot of activities like water sports then go during the cruise season. Not only will everything be open, but the water will be warmer as well. Also, you may find it challenging to remember to drive on the left side of the road instead of the right. When turning right you must yeild to oncoming traffic just like you do when turning left here in the states.
Some of the things we did were:
Visit to St. George's
Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo
Fantasy Caves
Played the Ocean View Golf Course
Shopped allot in Hamilton
Swam in the ocean at Jobson's Cove
Visited the Royal Naval Dockyards
Visit to the Unfinished Church as well as St. Peter's and other churches
Rode a scooter around all of the island
Trip to the Gibb's Hill Lighthouse
As well as many other things. Here are some pics from our trip.
The World cruise ship was docked in Bermuda when we were there. The rooms are actuall homes of some very wealthy folks. They live there 24/7.
Downtown Hamilton
Coi pond right below our balcony.
Carey and Mark Twainn
The Royal Naval Dockyards
Jobson's Cove
The pink sands of Bermuda.
St. Peter's Church
The unfinished church started in 1874 but never completed.
Our transportation
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Love and Prayers,