Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vlogemotions XV

I hope you enjoy this weeks theme Thankfulness. We at The Fort have so much to be thankful for that it surely couldn't all be listed here. There is one thing I do want to mention though that we are very thankful for, and that is you!

You are all our extended family and we love you very much. Your blogs all touch is in a very special way, and your comments always make our day. If you are reading this that means you!

Thanks to all of you whom we have been so blessed to meet thru this vessel that is bloggy world. God has blessed us with so many friends and we are hoping to meet many of you soon! Some of you already know of the plans for some of this.

If you are a blogger in the Houston area, or surrounding areas like Dallas, San Antonio, or even Oklahoma or other surrounding states and you wouldn't mind a little drive to meet some fellow bloggers let us know!

If there is enough interest we will plan a weekend of family fun here in H-town. Anyone that is a party planner or interested in helping plan it is welcome to volunteer as well. Let us know if you could make it! Just send me an email!

Also, I have started a new blog roll that is for our military families. If you are a military family, please let me know so I can add you and remove you from my other links. I want to recognize you in this way so that we can all pray for your families. Thank you so much for the sacrifices you make for us!

For those of you first time vloggers, here are the rules:

1. Post the Vlogemotions button above to the top of your post. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.

2. Post your vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week. Or whatever the theme is for that week.

3. Then click on "click here to see instructions and get the code"

4. Copy the code from the yellow box, and paste it into your post. Thats it!

5. Then link up from your own blog!

6. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!

7. Have fun this blog hop is a BLAST!!!

Love and Prayers,

MckLinky Blog Hop

16 Soldier's saluted this post:

Unknown said...

Oh precious Taylor! I can't wait to give you a huge hug in person!

Enjoy spending the time with Mommy and Daddy learning all about God's love for you!

You are a Princess of the greatest King ever - wear your crown with grace and humility all the days of your life! Wear it proudly and confidently - because He that is in you is greater than the one of this world!

I love you dearly and am so thankful God brought your family into my life!!!!
Ms. Jill

Beth in NC said...

That was so sweet of Jill to send her a devotional bible. How precious!

Tim, you always make me laugh when you can't understand your poor son! LOL ... "Huh? Well, I can't understand you" then you finish talking. LOL. Poor little Will.

Oh dear. I haven't done the blog hop just because I haven't taken the time to figure out how to add MckLinky. I hope you spell it out.

Blessings to you and your family today!


Holly said...

I'm thankful too for the many wonderful people I have encountered in blogland, including you!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Sorry, I put my vlogemotions up before reading this weeks theme. I went in a totally different direction. I have to remember to find out the week's theme before posting next time.

Your kids are so precious and adorable. It's a reflection of great parenting.

Beth E. said...

We're thankful for you and your family, Tim!

I've been working on Mr. Bo to post a vlog. He keeps saying he will, but...well, you remember all about being a teen, don't you? 'Nuff said!

We're loading up the cars and booting him out at the college tomorrow. It's busy, busy, busy around here. I should've taken today off, too. We still have sooo much to do!


He & Me + 3 said...

That was just precious. We have the boy version of that book for Stunt Man. It is a little bit old for him, but we break it down. He does devotions every night. Super cute.

April said...

Let me just say here that you and your family are such a blessing to me and to so many others! Everytime I pay you a visit, I come away feeling so refreshed and uplifted. THANK YOU from the bottom of my pea pickin' heart! :)

That was so thoughtful of Jill to send Taylor that adorable devotional Bible! She seems so thrilled with it! How sweet! I love little Will, too! Looks like he was trying to make a sock puppet of sorts. LOL!

Sending you and your precious family hugs and blessings!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Hi Tim,

Loved that your kids shared with you in this video. You will never regret having these videos made to go back to and relive their younger years. They are precious. And what a gift to be thankful for. That book is perfect!!

Have a great day!

Lee said...

I love this video. :)
Later down the road, you'll love having all these videos.

I'm thankful I got a JOB today. Haha!

Nikki B. said...

i'm alive...i'm alive...thank god almighty, it feels good to be alive!!

thanks for checking on me...i appreciated the emails and apologize for not always responding, or ever responding...did i respond? i don't remember.

i don't remember much...i don't remember july. august has been a blur...but, i can tell you an awful lot about your poo, your kidneys, and e.coli if you have any questions about that kinda stuff!

ready to get back in the real world...or virtual world...whatever this is considered!

i'm rambling...i haven't communicated about anything but school in a long time, i feel kind of socially impaired.


just wanted to say hi!!!

Carolina Mama said...

So awesome y'all are coming to Carolina. The River House Inn is amazing. I'll be liveblogging it this next four days. So stay tuned. Let me know if you need any questions answered about the Carolians. And yes, I'd love to try to meet up with the Carolina Bloggers too for sure.

~Brenda said...

Oh dear. Not sure I can do a Vlogemotion. I did just buy a super fancy camera, and it has video capabilities. But geeze, Tim! I'm a writer because I don't do well in person. I mean, c'mon. What are you doing here? Trying to pull me out of my comfort zone??? :)

Well all I can say is that I'll think about it. I'm already sweating, err, I mean, glistening....

I see you live in a place I may be possibly visiting soon. Can you email me at It'd be fun to meet up if we go. It IS kind of a big if right now, but I can dream, right?

Beth in NC said...

Ok Tim. I did it. I have a MckLinky linky (ha) on my blog now. The things you force us to learn. Sheesh. What is next?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome devotional Bible! That is a very nice gift! I hope Taylor enjoys it!

Anonymous said...

Great vlog as always! Taylor is so cute sharing about her new book!

Okay, so you want the McLinky code pasted into our vlogemotions post? I had linked the courage badge back to your site on my recent vlogemotions post so there was some form of Fort Thompson linkage.

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Your daughter is so sweet!

I need to get a video camera so I can get in on the vlogemotions posts too.

Oh, and we are a military family and would covet prayers as we prepare for my husband's upcoming deployment to Iraq.