Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oldies... but Goodies!

Fort Thompson

Want to play along with Oldies... but Goodies? Its simple, here's how:

1. Post the Oldies but Goodies button to your post.

2. Copy an old post that you would like to share again.

3. Paste it into the new post and link up. That's it!

This is a super fun carnival and it so easy to do. It gives us the chance to read new things on your blog that we might have missed, or just never saw because we didn't follow your blog at the time.

So lets catch up! Join in the fun with Oldies... but Goodies!

I want to thank my dear friend Jill at Blogs by Sneaky Momma for making the button for this carnival. In case you were wondering, that pic is of me when I was Will's age (2).

If you are in need of having anything done to your blog, have it done right by someone who cares more about how you feel about it than she does doing it. You wont find anyone better!

This was originally posted in January of this year. Enjoy!

Ok so this one was a doozy!

We are at the grocery store tonight picking up some things. For some reason it seemed to be unusually busy.

I'm in the meat department with my kids (Will in the basket and Taylor walking, skipping, dancing, whatever you want to call it next to me). I'm looking along one of the wall coolers at meat. Taylor walks over all of the sudden like to the cooler that is on the floor in the middle of the isle. You know the open top kind that just looks like a huge watering trough. I just happened to go over there right after her so I could look at the steaks and she says "daddy go away!" So I say "what for" and she says to me (in that VERY LOUD tone like I should have known so why was I even asking) "I'M TOOTIN!!!!!"

Right as she says this I realize that there are about 7 to 8 people standing around us (there are ALWAYS so many people in the meat section) as evidenced by the fact that they all turned around and looked at us smiling, some even laughing.

I have NEVER been so embarrassed in my life! Well at least that's what I thought.....
then just seconds later as EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) stared at us, she rips one out that I swear sounded like one of mine. It must have lasted over 5 seconds and I'm not even kidding. Not to mention she had her butt squeezed up against that cooler so tight(as if she was gonna hold it in) and that just amplified it even more. At least it made the people leave. :)

I'm sure this was funnier in person, but I thought I just had to share. Leave me a comment with some of your kids most entertaining moments.

Love and Prayers,

23 Soldier's saluted this post:

Unknown said...

OK, I think it would have taken me days for the red of embarrassment to go away!

ROFL! That is too funny!

Oh the things that our children say!

Love and blessings,

Beth in NC said...

LOL! Tim! Only a guy would share this story. Ha ha. Kids can do that to us can't they? lol

Beth in NC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nati @ I will praise Him said...

How funny!!!! I almost choked laughing!!!!!

Mandy said...

WOW! I about fell to the floor laughing! This is just too funny! I am enjoying this little carnival a lot, thanks for stopping by my little place, too!

He & Me + 3 said...

I totally remember this one. Too funny. Love it.

Sandy said...

That is just too funny! :0)

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Oh, now this is hilarious!!!
Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post! I really appreciate it. :)

Shannon said...

Great idea!! Love it!

Mom to the 3rd Power said...

Tim ,thanks for visiting my blog! I have enjoyed looking through your blog and reading about your family. I'll be back and congrats to your wife for training for a tri-good for her!

April said...

Talk about a keeper, Tim! That story takes the cake! Kids have a way of embarrassing us so badly, don't they? However, the good part about it is when they become teenagers, you can embarrass them just as bad and it doesn't take much effort, either!

Auntie E said...

Now that's funny. Our kids always know how to get us when we are out.
I say we need to put this things in a book so to remind them at the right time...when they have kids and sayto us...Can you believe this, my child.....,lol.

Lee said...

This is a really neat blog carnival. (:

I love that story though, it's so funny!

-stephanie- said...

Hill air e us! Gotta love kids.

Dian said...

That is hysterical!


Holly said...

Oh my gosh that is soooo funny!!!

The Mommy Chef said...

LOL! That was too funny. Reminds me of when my son was about 18mos and we were in Sprouts(a grocery store). He yelled out in an extremely loud toddler voice, "Excuse me! I FARRRTTTTEEEDDD!" I about died:(

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Too funny! (Sounds like my kids!) I am linking to my old photos-not exactly an old post but close enough, right? ;)

Jenny said...

LOVE the button picture- so cute! And very excited about this carnival- so happy you thought of it ;-)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I thought Taylor was quite considerate in taking her business away from Dad and Will. hehe

On the other hand...there is a story going around about a family member (of course...a stranger's family member...) whose aunt went shopping with another family member... discreetly emitted some silent gas before "running" to a different aisle, leaving the other unknowingly to be the brunt of the other customers questioning looks and wrinkled noses!

oh, I LOVE your carnival button...your pic of you at Will's age looks as cute as little Will. How fun to have that picture to use.

I will need to look through my "old" posts to see what I might link to :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Heatherlyn said...

That is classic!

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Too funny! Will looks just like you!