Ok here it is! The moment you have all been waiting for! (I'm sure)*sarcasm*
It's your chance to ask me any questions you want. You can even ask questions to Carey, Taylor, and Will! I will do my best to get you their answers, and maybe if there are enough have Carey even write a post for ya!
Sounds like fun right?! So go ahead and ask away! Just email your questions to me or leave them in the comments section of this post. I will do my best to answer each and everyone!
Love and Prayers,
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
5 years ago
16 Soldier's saluted this post:
What fun...I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on and ask you just as many questions as you asked me when I did this on my blog!
Hmm...let me see now. OK, Tim, what is the ONE food you would insist on having if you were ever stranded out in the middle of the ocean all alone on an island? Come on now, let's think outside of the box!
What is your favorite place to take a vacation and why...and is there anywhere you're dying to go?
If you could be any celebrity for just one day, who would it be and why?
Is there anything that you are afraid to try...like skydiving?
What is one thing at the top of your "Bucket List"?
What do you do for a living? I've often wondered...I'm nosey like that!:)
What is one thing you love the most about Carey?
OK, Carey...I'm not going to forget about you! What is one thing that hubby of yours does that gets on your ever lovin' last nerve...come on now, be HONEST! Inquiring minds want to know! :)
If you won a million dollars today, what is the first thing you would purchase and why?
Is there a song, any song, that makes you get a little misty eyed everytime you hear it? If so, what song is it?
Is there a show on TV you absolutely HAVE to watch?
Have you always lived in Texas? If not, where else have you lived?
What is the one thing you love the most about Tim?
OK...guess that's it for now! Have a good one, you two!
Wow April, what a great list of questions!
What is your favorite brand of shampoo?
Do you buy brand name or generic name products?
I have always wondered what you and do for a living? Loved all of Aprils questions too.
Tim:What brand of toilet paper does your family use?
Do you and Carey want more children?
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Where did you and Carey go for your last date?
Do you have family members living in the same town (or very close)?
Carey: Is there anything that Tim does that drives you up the wall? (For instance, my hubby puts his dirty clothes on the floor BESIDE the hamper! LOL)
What are your hobbies?
Does Tim still take you out for date nights?
Taylor:What is your favorite thing to do with your mommy and daddy?
What is your favorite song to sing?
Will:What is your favorite toy?
Do you have a favorite show or movie you like to watch?
Sorry, Tim...guess I got carried away. Inquiring minds want to know! LOL
Hey, I got my MP3 player today! Thank you so much. I'm going to have to get Bill to give me some lessons on how to use it!
Hi Tim,
Just came by this evening to pass my love and prayers to you and your beautiful family. I've not been online much lately.
Pray that all is well with you. Hugs and love in Jesus Name to your family.
Oh, in terms of a question, I like BethE's above. :)
Wow, these women are brutal. lol What is left?
How did you and Carey meet? Come on Carey, we want the scoop.
I'll be gentle. That is it.
Beth F.
Tim this is great! Wow, you are really brave. LOL!
Hmm, let's see, you've already been asked some really great questions....
when did you meet Jesus?
How did you and Carey meet?
What is one big goal you had and already reached?
Who is your favorite band?
How did you propose to Carey?
Guess that's all for now....LOL!
What is your favorite thing to do together as a family?
I loved Aprils questions too and can't wait for the answers...Hope you will stop by and see my new Christmas blog that I launched tonight..The button on my blog takes you right to it.
How about - what is your most embarrassing moment?
A question for both you and Carey:
What were you like in high school?
You brave, brave soul! These gals are thorough! I can't think of any you haven't been asked, so I'll just have fun reading the answers!
I have a few:
What did you want to be when you grew uP? Did you end up doing what you dreamed of?
What did you think of your HS experience?
What's your favorite pasttime?
What's your favorite thing about your wife? Your kids?
I don't have time right now to read through all of the other questions, so if I repeat, forgive me.
Why did you start blogging/vlogging in the first place?
What do you love about blogging now that you've done it a while?
Do you like Texas? Why?
How did you and Carey meet?
If you had one wish for your family, what would it be?
Do you fear the teenage years? Cuz you should. LOL. Just kidding. But do start praying now.
That's all I have time for! Darn it!
Oh fun! Looking forward to the answers of all these great questions that were asked already!
Oh, Carey, it would be great if you would be in front of a vlogemotion post or a written post :o)
Hmmm. Taylor and Will, what are some favorite things? like colors, foods, things you collect, play with? What would you like to be when you grow up?
Blessings & Aloha!
(oh and looking forward to your Hawaii Pics & memories, Tim & Carey) :o)
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