I was tagged this week by my one of Fort Thompsons new bloggy friends Cascia @ Healthy Moms. She is so sweet and I have enjoyed reading her blog.
Normally I am no big fan of getting tagged, probably just like I dont care much for getting forwards in my email. However this tag fits me perfect as I have allot of weird hidden in this body.
It goes like this:
I am to name 6 things that are weird about myself. Then I am to tag 6 new people to forward this tag onto. Then all I must do is comment to them that they have been tagged, so here goes.
1. I have been known to make funny faces at myself in the mirror for no apparent reason and sometimes for long periods of time. (Oh I know Im getting questions on that one)
2. I can spend hours singing the High School Musical songs with my daughter. We have all the CD's too.
3. If the toilet paper doesnt hang off of the front of the roll, I freak out.
4. I make funny faces and sounds so my kids will laugh and it doesnt matter where we are when I do it. My kids laughter and happiness trumps what others think about me everytime.
5. I put Tobascco hot sauce on almost everything. Some think thats weird.
6. If I must go into a public restroom I always open the door with a paper towell before leaving.
Ok so lets hear about what makes you weird. Here are the six people that I am tagging whom I think would be good candidates.
Courtney @ Courtney and The Boys
Jo @ Life's Perfect Pictures
Jill @ Sneaky Momma
Nikki @ Life as We Know It
Kameron @ A Wrinkle in Time
Elizabeth @ A Nut in a Nutshell
Saturday, February 28, 2009
This is Weird!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:21 PM 21 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Tag
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Fort is Featured!
You guessed it! Fort Thompson is the featured blog at KatyDid and Kid. So make sure you stop in and check it out.
KatyDid is written by Kathleen Walck. It is a super blog that gives allot of great technical advice for bloggers. She does a post called Tech Tuesday, the latest being directions on how you can make and install your own button. Buttons are all the craze in the blogosphere, and to have your own directions (step by step) is very helpful.
She also has a post she does on Fridays called Friday Featured Blog. This post is up now and features Fort Thompson. Some of the more recent blogs she has done were a few of our friends. You might recognize Elizabeth @ A Nut in a Nutshell, Angie @ Seven Clown Circus, or even Jennifer @ Rundpinne. So I know we are in very good company as they have all followed The Fort for a while now, and I know them to all be really great ladies whom I am honored to call friends.
Speaking of Jenn, please continue to keep her in your prayers as she is experiencing some severe pain due to dry socket. This happened after having her wisdom teeth pulled.
So head on over to KatyDid and Kid and check out the feature.
Thank you so much Kathleen for thinking of us!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:17 AM 36 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Featured
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Angels and Miracles
Warning Warning Warning!!!!
This WILL be a tear jerker. You have been warned. Proceed with CAUTION!!
So ever since my post about random things, I have had a ton of you ask for me to share about my death experience. I will do so now. I want to preface this story by saying that this is incredibly hard for me to talk about as it brings back many emotions from that day. When you go through something like this, you are left with gratitude beyond measure, however you are also left wondering what Gods true calling is for your life as there is obviously a reason you were left on this earth. The experience of all of these emotions at once is often overbearing, however I will do my best to get through this post, as so many of you have asked me to share.
I first want to share with you something that happened just around the time I had my experience. We had some very good friends in my dad's church named James and Pam. I believe he was even one of the churches deacon's. For those of you who don't already know my father is a Baptist Pastor. They were very close to our family and we did many things together like going out to eat after fellowships and services. James and Pam were some of the warmest and kindest people you could ever meet.
They had two daughters, a four year old named Katie, and another who was only a baby at the time. Her name escapes me now as it has been so many years since this happened. Anyway, one morning little Katie comes to her mother (Pam) and tells her that an angel had woke her, sat on her bed, and told her to tell her mother not to worry as she and her Grandmother were going to go be with Jesus. Pam being a bit startled by this, as Katie had never said anything like this before, ran to Katie's bedroom to find no one there. Katie again assured her that the angel was indeed there, and that she shouldn't worry because all would be ok.
The very next day while on a trip in their RV they were struck by a drunk driver, and the Motor Home immediately broke into flames. The baby had to be tossed from a window as they were all trapped inside. James and Pam were able to escape with their lives, however receiving some very serious burns. Not all were as lucky as James, Pam, and the baby. That day Katie and her Grandmother did indeed go to be with Jesus. This was an extremely tragic event for a family that we were so close to. Everyone took some comfort in knowing that Katie and her Grandmother had indeed gone to be with Jesus just as the angel had said. My father of course preached the funeral, and there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Funerals are never easy, but especially those of a child.
Now on to what you have all waited for. So many of you asked me on multiple occasions to share my story of what had happened when I died. Please know that this is the first time publicly I have ever spoke about this. To me it was a very personal experience, and one that I don't take lightly. Please pray for me to have God's guidance and comfort in my heart as I share these very personal moments with you publicly for the very first time.
Not very long after James and Pam lost their dear Katie and Mother/ Mother-in-Law I had my incident. I was only 16 years old and just a sophomore in high school. In order to communicate this story effectively I must first provide you with a little background.
This is the hard part of this post. For all but about 6 years of my life, this has been a secret. It was only a secret because I was ashamed, embarrassed, and just really didn't want to bear the burden of any ridicule I might have to endure. So I have kept it to myself up until about 6 years ago when I started to share it, but only with a select few who were either family members or those who I felt could benefit from hearing it. Now I chose to share it with you.
When I was only 6 years of age I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. For those who might not know, it is a seizure (neurological) disorder. I have grandmal seizures which are the worst kind. Total loss of all body function, consciousness, and memory. I had never had any kind of memory from any of my numerous seizures until that faithful day. More on that later.
So growing up I spent much of my childhood in hospitals. If I wasn't in a hospital I had just gotten out of one and could barely walk. Having a seizure is like pulling a muscle in your body. The only difference is that it hurts three times worse than a muscle pull and its in ALL your muscles. I mean there are none that get spared.
Living with this disorder is about allot more than just dealing with seizures. All of my family has endured great stress because of it. I thank God everyday for each of them, as I'm not sure that I would be able to endure what my family has lived through with me.
My sister bless her heart was still just a toddler when I started having seizures. If you have ever seen someone have a grandmal seizure then you know how scary it is. Now imagine a child as young as my sister (3 at the time) having to witness that over and over as it happened to her brother. I can't even imagine it. What I do know is that I cannot put into words how sorry I am for scaring her so. I love her so much and she means the world to me.
This is getting very difficult for me......... breathe.. tissues... ok.
My dad, he is my best friend in the world. He has the softest heart of anyone you will ever meet. He has touched the lives of so many people, and brought more than you could ever imagine to Christ. If my kids get even the slightest bit upset about something you can literally see his heart breaking. I can't even express in words how helpless he must have felt in watching me live with this disorder knowing that there was no way he could take it out of my little body and put it in his. I know that's what he wanted to do. So for all the ways that I haven't the time or space to write about, Daddy I love you. If I can be even a small fraction of the Father to my kids that you have been to me, I will be a HUGE success.
Then there has always been my Mother the Registered Nurse. She has worked in medicine her entire career so she knew from the beginning how serious this was. She is the one that truly is the reason I am here. As a child living in the 70's there were very few if any medicines that were made in liquid form. Most were all tablets or gel capsules. As a child I was not able to swallow a pill and the taste of trying to chew these Epilepsy medicines was just unbearable. So my Mother bless her soul spent many a night in the kitchen perched atop my chest as I lay on my back. She would fight with me forcing pill after pill down my throat, all while dripping is sweat, my shirt soaked with her tears and the floor soaked with mine. She did this night after painstaking night, all done out of love so that her only son would live to breath another day. I tell you this just as honestly as I can, this woman of God saved my life on more occasions than anyone will ever know. The things she had to do to keep me by her side no one should ever have to endure. She did all of them without complaint. She is a Mother sent by God, and I thank him everyday that I get to call her mine. She has been there for me everyday, and I write this post today because of her.
Please forgive me, I will have to return to this later........ok I'm back and more composed so let's try to finish this.
Then there came the day that none of us will ever forget. Moments like this become etched in your mind, so deep is there place never to be lost. A day back in the summer of 1984, where I was only a sophomore in high school.
I had a seizure which started out just like any other. I was being rushed by ambulance to the hospital when just before arriving I suddenly went into cardiac arrest. For those uncertain of what this means, it is when the heart stops beating and you no longer can breath on your own. This is what happens when you die.
I was still in arrest when arriving at the hospital and was rushed inside where resuscitation continued. No such luck. They started using defibrillators to try and shock a rhythm back into my heart all while inti bating me so that a machine could breath for me. Once someone has been gone for close to five minutes the doctor usually will call the time of death. I had been gone for 6 minutes and 45 seconds most all of which had happened while not on a vent. This meant that with no oxygen supply to my brain during this time, everyone felt very confident that I would have extensive brain damage if not just be a vegetable.
This was not to be! I woke in my room as my doctor (who was a family friend and also a pastor) stood over me. My doctors didn't expect me to ever talk again, however as he stood there he said "Timothy, do you know where you are?". I always thought that was the dumbest question. Of course my reply was "uuhh yeah, I'm in the hospital". Tears filled my Mothers eyes as she sat next to my bed and began to realize that a miracle was indeed happening. God had answered so many prayers of so many people that day.
No other patient in this hospital had ever been medically dead for that length of time and come back with no problems whatsoever. I was an instant celebrity, and anytime I walked in that hospital everyone knew me by name. They did test after test on my heart and brain and everything came back normal. God is SO good!
So as I lay there in the bed with my doctor over me, he asks me what I remember. I was thinking that to be a rather obvious question as well since I had never remembered anything during a seizure. I did for some reason feel like he had a reason for asking it this time although I still don't know what it was.
So I told him that I had a dream. One of which I could remember like I had just woke up from it and it was still happening. You know the kind. So he asks me what happened in the dream and I tell him the following.
I was in a hospital room and there where doctors and nurses there and they were all standing around me. He asked "what were they doing?" I tell him that they were banging on my chest and it hurt, so I was trying to tell them to stop, but I couldn't move my mouth because I just seemed to be an observer and that I wasn't in my body. He asked what I meant and so I told him it was like I was floating in the air above my body. He asked "you mean you could see everything?" I said yes. So his eyes got really big and he says "where were these doctors and nurses?" I tell him that there was one doctor and one nurse on my right, and one doctor and two nurses on my left. His eyes get HUGE! So he says "was there anyone else in the room?" I said as a matter of fact there was, my Mother. His voice shakes terribly as he asks "where was she?" I tell him she was at the foot of the bed the entire time always there for me. The room drew silent for some time. I was then notified that I had passed away during my seizure. THIS WAS NO DREAM! What appeared to me to be a dream to me had actually happened.
I also remembered feeling as though I was gliding through darkness toward a light that was in the shape of a man. It was so peaceful and quite. The last thing I recall after seeing this figure is waking up in the ICU and having this discussion with my doctor. I will always recall the last thing he said before he left my room... "God has a special place here for you on this Earth. There is a reason your here, God isn't finished with you yet."
I mentioned before that when I have seizures I never remember anything that happened during them. This was not one of those times. This was the only time that I remembered anything, and remember it quite well I do.
Coincidence? I think not. I know that there is a reason I remember. Its because I was not unconscious, I was conscious as I could be. After this life you see there is no unconscious, everything is more real than you could ever imagine. This is why I remember. I was there and I lived it. As for my body, it was for sure dead, as for me? Well, I was VERY much alive!
This is NOT a story. It is not a fictitious blog post with fictional characters. It is very much based on real life events that really took place. It is my life, and yes I have lived it.
This has been a very difficult post to write. It has taken days of my stepping away from this laptop, so that I could see through the tears to write another paragraph. However, if my story helps others to understand that the teachings of the bible aren't fictitious but actual events that actually happened that will determine the course of all our future, then I will consider it well worth the effort.
I thank God everyday I wake up seizure free. I have done so since 1995. Of course it is my hope and prayer that I will NEVER have another one as I just couldn't stand to put my children and wife through it. So please keep me in your prayers that I stay seizure free. I am not free of the disorder, I still have it and take 8 pills a day to prove it. I have just been blessed to go without having one for that length of time.
Miracle (mir-e-kel) n. An event that is unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be an act of God.
I am a miracle, touched by his hand and left to tell about it. If you don't believe that there is life after death, I'm here to tell you that there very much is. I am living my life after death on this earth now, however through my experience I know that eternity is real and I look forward to that part of my new life everyday. Do you?
In commemoration of this post that was so very difficult for me, I would like to start a new feature to Fort Thompson. At least once a month and hopefully more often than that I will post a feature story of someones elses miracle. This will give you the chance to read about how God has moved in the lives of so many others. These stories will be blessings that will touch your heart in ways you couldn't even imagine. So if you have a story of a miracle in your life, or you know someone who has experienced a miracle, or you just have a truly inspirational story of how God has worked in your life or someone else's, please email us at Fort Thompson as we would love to feature your story here. We will link your feature post back to your blog. Also if you feel led to do so, posting about this new feature on your site would be much appreciated. Please link to this post so that your readers will come straight to this story. Your help in getting the word out is much appreciated.
Keep an eye out for Fort Thompson Monthly Miracle's! We hope to have this a weekly feature soon!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:50 AM 89 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Angel, Death Experience, Epilepsy, Miracle, Monthly Miracles
Monday, February 23, 2009
Not Me Monday
It's time again for MckMama's Not Me Monday. If you aren't already doing this you should get on over to her blog and get started!
Some of our events this past week went like this:
I did NOT find my son in his room with a full bottle of children's vitamins after he has already deposited around 160 of them into his stomach. Still not sure how or when he got to them, but we are for sure glad that he is ok. These particular vitamins were two to get one daily dose anyway so he really only got around 80 doses instead on 160. Nevertheless I did NOT have to take him to the ER for it.
We were on the way to the store tonight and my daughter says from the back seat as if its the best things she has ever seen..... "LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY FLOWERS!!!"
It was NOT me that looked to see that it was a cemetery. It was also NOT me who told her it was a place where they grow flowers.
Then when we were at the store It was NOT me who bought my son (Will age 2) a box of candy (Wonka Bottle Caps) to keep him happy. It was also NOT me who turned around and purchased a freaking Bicycle for my daughter because she felt left out and that was what she wanted. It is also NOT me that is SOOOO soft.
Then as we were in the car on the way home it was NOT my wife who when realizing I had bought my son a box of bottle caps says "why did you get those? They taste like ASS!" Only to hear my daughter in the back immediately say "THEY DO NOT TASTE LIKE ASS!!!!" I so wanted to say how do you know they dont taste like ass Taylor? Have you ever tasted ass? However I refrained.
At least this week she didn't fart in public.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:40 AM 32 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Not Me Monday
I Heart Faces B&W

It's that time again. Time to get over to Amy and Angie's I Heart Face's blog and enter your picture.

This is a shot I took of my niece just the other day in their backyard. I cropped it to change the angle, and of course made it black and white. I hope you enjoyed it! Now head on over to I Heart Faces to see other great photos.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:49 AM 25 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: I Heart Faces
Sunday, February 22, 2009
New Prayer Request! UPDATE!!!
Here is the latest word from Jennifer on her condition:
I shall not be blogging for the next few days. *sob* I just returned from the dentist, for those keeping track, that makes dental visit #4 in under 2 weeks. I have 2 dry sockets and infections. Needless to say I am in a lot of pain and need to rest up to regain some strength and fight off this infection.
Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, words of advise, and encouragement. I have read every one and they have all meant so very much to me.
I plan to spend the next few days in bed on pain medication and antibiotics, with the exception for trips to the dentist's office to have medicated pads changed in my two dry sockets. I will go through computer withdrawal I am certain.
I am asking all of the Prayer Soldier's out there to continue to pray for Jennifer. Thank you so much.
Our good friend Jennifer at Rundpinne had all four wisdom teeth extracted and 13 others worked on last week. Many of you already know her as many of us follow the same blogs. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She is one who is so appreciative for all she has and treats everyone equally the same no matter who they are.
Since having this dental work done, she has developed dry socket. This is extremely painful as I have first hand experience. For those of you who don't know what it is read the following. If you do then continue past the italic definition.
As with any extraction of a tooth, some pain is to be expected, as the gums surrounding the former location will be damaged to a certain degree. This is especially so in extractions of impacted wisdom teeth, which may not have properly erupted; in these cases, the gums are cut open to allow access to the tooth, then sutured shut.
However, a dry socket typically presents as a sharp and sudden increase in pain commencing 2–5 days following the extraction of a mandibular molar, most commonly the third molar. It can also be accompanied by a foul taste or smell.[1][2]
The pain, which often radiates up and down the head and neck, can be extremely unpleasant for the patient. It will often cause pain in the ears as well. A dry socket is not an infection, and is not directly associated with swelling because it occurs entirely within bone — it is a phenomenon of inflammation within the bony lining of an empty tooth socket.
Please keep Jennifer in your prayers. I am asking that not only the Fort Thompson prayer soldiers pray for her, but all whom read this post. Please also leave a comment here that you are praying, and if you can leave one on her blog that would be great as well. She is not able to get on the computer to respond, but knowing that many are praying will for sure make her feel better. Let her know that you were sent from The Fort!
God be with you Jenn! We are lifting you up in our prayers now.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:00 PM 12 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Jennifer, Prayer Request
Saturday, February 21, 2009
PLEASE PRAY! Update!!!
Hello all,
Thanks so much Hollie for posting in my absence. That means more than you will ever know.
The prayers from all of you have been so appreciated. Will is doing fine now as there was never really that much of any worry. It just didn't seem that way at first after speaking with the pediatricians office on the phone.
If you would like more details on the events of Will yesterday you can click on his link either in the navbar at the top, or his pic in the sidebar. Both will link you to his page.
I also would like to thank Lisa Rude @ Rude Manor who is one of our good friends for picking up Taylor from school while we were at the ER yesterday. She is such a good friend and is always there when we need her. Thanks Lisa!
Again thank you so much for your prayers. We love you all very much.
Hi Guys!! This is Hollie from Drama Mama Designs! I posted about a prayer request on my blog yesterday afternoon, and Tim commented and then left a prayer request of his own. Since I had all of his info from the blog makeover, I decided to 'break in' (with his permission, of course!) to his blog and ask that you guys pray for his family!
Evidently yesterday Will got into the kids vitamins and ingested around 150-160 of them. As of yesterday evening they had been at the hospital for some time. I really don't have any other info. Not sure if they came home last night, but seeing how he hasn't updated makes me wonder if they are still there? Regardless, please pray that Will makes a very quick recovery and if they are not home, that they will be soon!
We are praying for your entire family, Tim!!!!! Please update us when you can!!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:42 AM 40 Soldier's saluted this post
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Houston We Have Some Winners!
Thank you to all of our followers who participated in the giveaway. One of these days I will figure out a way for everyone to win. Watch out for more giveaway's here in the future. The next one will be open to anyone wishing to enter.
I also would like to again thank Hollie at Drama Mama Designs for sponsoring my first giveaway. We have come to know Hollie quite well since winning her makeover. She is one in a zillion I tell ya, and it shows that she's true blue Texan! So again, if you are interested in a professional blog make over and you want it done right then click the button below. Please do keep in mind because she is so good she is in high demand so there is always a little wait on her list. Trust me though when I say a wait on her list no matter how long will always be worth it.

So click the video below to view the winners of our first giveaway!
If you were a winner please email me to arrange delivery of your prize. If your not a winner, please leave a comment and give some friendly congrats to those that did.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:46 PM 32 Soldier's saluted this post
Day at the Park
The other day we were all free due to a holiday except Taylor who was in school because she needed to make up some days due to Hurricane Ike. So we took advantage of some time alone with Will and took him to the park. I used this chance to get familiar with my new camera (more on that later) a Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
So we enjoyed our time playing on all the playgrounds as did Will. Sorry that there aren't more to show you, but I am still trying to figure out how to compress the files the right way. It shoots a 21.1 megapixel file which is over 10MB and takes forever to download. So I hope you enjoy the photos!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:38 AM 42 Soldier's saluted this post
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Giveaways End Tonight! Update
I just wanted to add on the eve of my first giveaway winners announcement that I am honored to call all of you who have followed The Fort my friends. I narrowed the field a bit by only offering these giveaways to my followers because I wanted someone I know to win. I'm sure I will have many more giveaways as well as contests in the future that will be open to all who wish to enter.
So as I have now gone over the 100 mark in followers I wish to thank each and everyone of you personally, and especially those who visit often and always leave comments. I am very big on leaving comments as it really can mean allot to someone who isn't expecting it, especially those who are new to the blogging world. So the next time you find yourself wondering onto a newer blog, please consider leaving them a comment, because you never know how much it might mean to someone.
So we are down to an hour and a half remaining. Get your entries in now, and best of luck to you all!
If you haven't entered the giveaways for the free blog makeover or the Twilight Saga Hardback Book Collection, now is the time! It's not too late. Get your entries in by following the directions on the post below!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:24 AM 14 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: giveaway
Saturday, February 14, 2009
New Look and Giveaway!
Wow! Can you believe this? You have to leave a comment and tell me what you think of my new look. You cane also answer the poll about it on the right below our pictures! It was done because of a contest I won for a Ultimate Blog Design Makeover by Hollie at Drama Mama Designs. Doesn't she do great work?
It has been so much fun getting to know Hollie and working along with her to make sure everything was done to my liking. She insisted that she would not install anything without my approval, as well as knowing that I was totally happy with it. She is all about total customer satisfaction, and did this even though I was not a paying customer. I was always treated like her most important client and for that I am so grateful. She is so professional about all she does, and if you are in the market for a great new look, go over and visit Hollie and you will find unbelievable designs at unbeatable prices, not to mention the finest service around.
Her daughter is having some tests done Thursday morning at 10am so please be keep her in your prayers.
As a way of commemorating this occasion on my blog I am doing my first GIVEAWAY! You got it, and the best part about it is this. There are TWO different giveaway's!
The first:
It's an Ultimate Blog Design Makeover by Hollie just like mine. Well not just like mine but something that would fit you and your blog. I have to thank Hollie in advance for allowing me to host this great giveaway. I thought it to be a great idea since it is being done in commemoration of the new look she has done for me. It will give you a chance to see her work and know the unbelievable value of this giveaway! Besides there is nobody else I would rather offer you their services than Hollie.

Here are the details from Hollie on the giveaway:
The giveaway will include an Ultimate Blog Design Makeover w/nav bar (an $80 value).
That includes:
Custom Header (with or w/o picture)
Custom background/layout to match
up to 8 custom matching labels for sidebar
Option of 2 or 3 columns
Custom signature
Custom button to match header
And let me just tell you that everything she does is totally custom.
In addition to The Ultimate Blog Design Makeover I will also have a giveaway for this:

Oh yeah you guessed it! That is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga Collection in hardback form. It is an 85 dollar value! I thought that this would be enticing since there are so many of you out there that are so into this story.
The best part about this entire thing is that you can pick which giveaway you wish to register for. I thought it would be beneficial to give everyone a choice since I know that when I see a giveaway that is something I already have or don't need I just don't register. I wanted you to have a choice, so here it is. Hopefully the things I have chosen will be things that you would enjoy having. You can even split your entries between both if you would like to register for both giveaways. Here are the ways to obtain entries.
Here are the rules to get entered:
Only one giveaway per blog entry. So if you desire to be registered for both then you need to specify on each comment entry which giveaway you want those entries to go to.
1. You must first be a follower of Fort Thompson (2 entries)
After this qualification is met you may add to your entries in the following ways:
2. Posting the new Fort Thompson button in your sidebar of your blog (2 entries)
3. Posting about this giveaway on your blog and linking back to The Fort (2 entries)
4. Posting a link to Fort Thompson in your blog roll (1 entry)
5. Posting The Drama Mama Designs button on your blog (1 entry)
You must leave a comment for each entry so that it can be individually verified as well as which giveaway that entry is to count for. If you are leaving a comment for a requirement that earns more than one entry then please leave info in your comment as to which giveaways each go toward. Any entries that don't have a giveaway specified will not count. So you can have a total of 8 entries and can split them up accordingly among each giveaway based on which ones you are interested in the most. Example all entries on one giveaway or split them evenly, whatever you decide. It's as easy as that folks! So good luck to you all and thanks to all of you who follow Fort Thompson!
If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments section or send me an email. The address is posted in my profile.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:45 AM 122 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: giveaway
Hello all. Its time again for Angie and Amy's I Heart Faces contest. So get on over to the web site by clicking here or on the button below to enter your photograph.

This weeks theme is Wonder. It is an amazing thing to see in the face of a child, and of course mine always seem to have it. Here is my son Will. His thoughts are as follows:
I wonder if they are EVER gonna cut my hair!!
You MUST click this image and enlarge it to appreciate if fully.

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:12 AM 49 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: I Heart Faces, Photos, Will
Principles to Live By
This is installment #1 of Fort Thompson Principles to Live By
1. Laugh in the face of things that anger you.
2. Kiss your children everyday and tell them how much you love them.
3. Enjoy every breath for the next could be your last.
4. Do something nice for a total stranger everyday.
5. Give to a charity, it could save someones life and there is no better feeling than the gift of giving.
6. Mentor a child for they are our future.
7. Pay someone a compliment especially if they have angered you. Watch their reaction and then smile at them so they know you are sincere.
8. Always give credit where credit is due, but in the face of failure take full responsibility.
9. When everyone else is avoiding a problem, be the one who steps in to provide a solution.
10. Don't talk about what YOU would do, do it so others will talk about what you did.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:11 AM 19 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Principles
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The giveaway for a free Deluxe Custom Blog Makeover and the Twilight Saga Book Collection in Hardback form will end Tuesday the 17th at 12:00pm CST. The winners will then be announced on Thursday the 19th.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 4:01 AM 1 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: giveaway
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wordful Wednesday
Many of you have asked about the story of how Carey and I met. These questions came even after I posted about it, many because you had heard of our amazing story and wanted to know more. So here is my Wordful Wednesday. Click on the pic of Carey and I on the right under the American Flag and you can read our story. Or just click here. Hopefully it will touch you as it has touched others. In the event you have already read it, my apologies for the redundancy.
In other news, the new blog is almost ready for install and should go up any minute now, and the giveaway that will be done with it is AWESOME!!! I'm so excited and you will be too.
Also, there have been a few of you who have wanted me to elaborate on my story of what happened when I died for almost 7 minutes. That is coming soon also and should be very touching.

So get on over to Angies at Seven Clown Circus and check out the other Wordful Wednesdays!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:02 AM 25 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Photos, Tim and Carey, Wedding, Wordful Wednesday
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Not Me Monday!

It's that time again! You guessed it, MckMama's Not Me Monday! If you would like to play along, as you should, head over to her blog and do so now!
And here we go!
Saturday while playing golf with my Dad I did NOT make an eagle on a 520 yard hole. For those of you ladies out there that don't understand golf let me explain. Its when your goal is to get the ball in the hole within 5 shots and instead you do it in 3. I hope that clarifies it some. I might add that makes it sound so insignificant, however it is a really BIG DEAL. Especially for someone like me who doesn't play all that often and have only done it one other time and that was in high school when I was on the golf team. So yay me!
The only other thing on my short Not Me list today was this:
Today at the doctors office, Taylor has a viral infection, Will was getting tired of sitting around and started pushing this chair across the hard floor which was making an unbearable noise. He does it a few times as I am telling him to stop, it was NOT ME that says do it again and your going to get a spanking (in a very stern voice) only to watch him look me in the eyes and do it again because he knows good and well I haven't the heart to follow thru with my meaningless threat. NO that for sure was NOT ME!
Now get on over to MckMama's and join in the Not Me fun! This week if you join in you are entered into a contest!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:07 PM 40 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Not Me Monday
A VERY Sad Day
Tears fill my eyes as I write this post:
Today baby Cora lost her fight with cancer and went to be with Jesus. Please continue to pray for this dear family who just lost their only child. Feel free to go by their blog and leave your condolences.
This is one of those times where we as a blogger community can come together in prayer for this family and ask that God grant them peace and comfort as they deal with this loss. Please pray for them.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:20 PM 13 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Baby Cora, Prayer Request
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Get Cha Some of This!
The following is a post that a really good friend of mine put up on her blog right after winning the I heart faces competition this week.
We won!
I say "we" won because, yes I did take the picture so I am the photographer who won with my shot, but goodness gracious, my little one's eyes helped me out quite a bit on this one! It certainly helps the photographer a ton when they have a beautiful subject. And I'm not biased at all. : )
Check it out: http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/2008/06/week-4-top-ten-kids.html
Oh and good prediction over at Fort Thompson. He predicted over a week ago that I would win the "Eyes" week with a picture of Reagan.
The reason it is so significant to my blog (as well as the reason I am sharing it) is because a few weeks ago I predicted when I saw that this past weeks theme would be "the eyes have it" that she would win with a shot of her daughter Reagan.
So guess what? She won with a picture of her daughter Reagan! I am SOOOOOO happy for her and wanted to brag for her a little bit because she deserves it.
Lindsay is a professional photographer who I met when coaching her daughter Mackenzie a while back. Her blog is The Miller Experience so go by and Congratulate her by leaving a comment and tell her Tim sent ya from Fort Thompson! Come on show her some love she's my bud! I'm gonna see who does and doesn't. :)
Her company's name is Bella Bleu and you can check out some of her work there if you like. She does a great job! She has photographed my daughter Taylor, and my most prized gift from coaching was a picture she took of me and my assistant coach while on the field that was put in a shadow box with a very nice thank you message.
So make sure to stop by her blog, tell her I sent you, and show her some love for winning. Trust me, you DON'T want to miss a view of this little girl. If you think she is the most beautiful thing, its because she is. Pictures don't do her justice though until you have seen those eyes in person. They literally melt my heart.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:54 PM 7 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: I Heart Faces, Miller's, Reagan Prediction
Friday, February 6, 2009
Watch For It!
The new look at Fort Thompson is almost ready! It shouldn't be too much longer now. For those of you who don't know, I won a contest at The Drama Mama (Hollies Site) and she has been hard at it working on a new look for this ole blog. She has been such a pleasure to work with even though I know I'm not the easiest person in the world to please. She has told me over and over that she wont put it up until I am TOTALLY happy with it. Now that's professionalism folks! If you are interested in getting a bloggy makeover go visit her design site Drama Mama Designs! Make sure and tell her Tim sent you from Fort Thompson.
So keep an eye peeled because you never know just when your gonna click over here and see the new design. To christen in the new bloggy look we will be having our first giveaway once the new site is up, so stay tuned for that because it wont be up long, however it promises to be worth your while. I will officially announce the contest once the new site is up, so watch for it!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:10 AM 28 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Contest Winner, Drama Mama, Makeover
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Thanksgiving Thursday
1. I am so thankful that I am finally getting over this flu. At least I think maybe I am, it has kicked my butt!
2. I am thankful that God has answered so many prayers lately especially those bloggy friends of mine who have had scares with their kids.
3. I am also thankful for the really great news my wife got the other day.
4. I am thankful that my wife bought me a Wii Fit. She obvioulsy wants me to lose some weight, so therefore I will take her up on it. Anything for my wife. By the way this Wii Fit game don't play. Its not just a game, its a REAL workout. God help me on this one.
Now get on over to Nicole's at What a Trip and get your Thankful Thursday on! Tell her Tim sent ya!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:32 PM 26 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Thanksgiving Thursday
And The Winner Is.........
I know I have let these awards get somewhat backed up, and to those of you whom gave them to me my apologies. I had to try really hard to remember who gave them to me. If I miss someone please let me know.
The first award is for showing a great attitude/gratitude toward others. This is an award I have been hoping that I would receive, so I am very grateful now that I have it. It was given to me by Ogladi at Margarita On The Rocks Lots of Salt, so make sure you go by and show her some love.
I would like to give this award to the following blogs in no particular order:
Lee @ Perpetual Burn
Angie @ Seven Clown Circus
Hollie @ The Drama Mama
Keri @ Tyler and Ava's World
Also given to me by Jo at Life's Perfect Picture's is the Life is Grand Award which I must list 5 reasons why my life is grand. As well as the This Blog Practices TLC award. Thanks again Jo, your the best! Make sure you go visit Jo also and show her some love as well.
1. Life is grand because I know Im going to Heaven.
2. Life is grand because God gave me the most wonderful lady in the world to call me wife, and yes I am honored.
3. Life is grand because I have the too best reasons anyone could ever want to be called Dad. Their names are Taylor and Will, and I love them with all my heart.
4. Life is grand because God blessed me with the two best parents anyone could EVER have. I love both of them more than anything, and would do anything for them.
5. My life is grand because now I get to pass these awards on to someone else!
It goes to the following:
Jacquie @ The Middle of Eleven
Amy @ The Arthur Clan
Heather @ The Extraordinary Ordinary
Lyndsay @ The Miller Experience
Jill @ Sneaky Momma
Wibeche @ Beautiful Days
I would also like the above people that received the Grand Award to also receive the TLC award below.
I have also received the Your a Jewel in His Crown award and The Faithful Servant award from Michelle at Circle of Life and Wibeche at Beautiful Days. She is in Norway and has quickly become one of The Forts favorite blogging friends. So stop by and tell her Fort Thompson sent ya!
These two awards go to the following in no particular order:
Christie @ A Sassy Mommas Chatter
Elizabeth @ A Nut in a Nutshell
MckMama @ My Charming Kids
Angie @ Bring the Rain
Kameron @ A Wrinkle in Time
Lisa @ Abiding There
Hollie @ All Things in Moddy
Amy @ Chapters
Keli @ Dream Imagine Live
Lisa @ Rude Manor
The last award I need to give out I received from my friend Carey at Life in the Carpool Lane. So make sure you go by and show her some comment love. Tell her Tim sent ya from The Fort!
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find friends and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly- written text into the body of their award."
So my eight for this award are as follows in no particular order:
Lisa @ Rude Manor
Stephanie @ My Loves Forever
Kayla @ Head Over Heels
Jaysi @ In Bird's Nest
Daphine @ Just Stuff
Jennifer @ Rundpinne
Ogladi @ Margarita/on the Rocks/Lots of Salt
Michele @ Out of the Rut
Thanks again to all of those who has given me these awards!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 5:01 PM 21 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Awards
Wordful Wednesday
This is a pic of Taylor and Will only a few days after he was born. I think this may have even been the day we brought him home from the hospital. He was born 8lbs 14 oz. at a month premature. This was a big change from Taylor who was only 6lbs. 6 oz. also a month premature. We are so blessed to have them both and love to look back at old photos to see how much they have changed and grown. As always, we wish they could stay little forever.

Now get on over to Angie's at Seven Clown Circus and do your own Wordful Wednesday.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:07 AM 23 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Taylor, Will, Wordful Wednesday
I Heart Faces Entry

This is my entry for the I heart faces contest this week. The theme is the eyes have it. I hope you enjoy the photo, it was taken of Will when he was a baby. We were at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and it was time to eat!

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:36 AM 7 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: I Heart Faces, Will
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I've Been Tagged!
In the world of blogging, being tagged means that one of your blogging buddies has petitioned you to participate in an ongoing blog post and you have the responsibility of "paying it forward" and inviting several of your blogging buddies to do the same.
I was tagged by my good friends at Vaughn Family Chaos. The idea behind this tag is to find out more about our blogging buddies by having them list/describe/fabricate 20 random things about themselves that we don't otherwise know from reading their blog.
Here are the official rules:
create a list of 20 random things about yourself, link back to the blog that tagged you, tag 5 new folks by linking to them in your post, then leave a comment on each of their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
1. I love to play golf.
2. I have hyper-extended knees.
3. I love to coach/mentor kids.
4. In little league I threw a no hitter.
5. In High School I had a cardiac arrest and was officially dead for 6 minutes and 45 seconds before coming back miraculously with no brain damage or other problems.
6. God used a very interesting method of introducing me to the love of my life. To read this truly inspiring story click on the picture of Carey and I on the top right of the page.
7. I owned a professional sound and light company called Premeire Sound Productions in college.
8. I was a Senator in Student Government, officer in my fraternity, and worship coordinator of the Baptist Student Union all while attending Sam Houston State University.
9. My father is a baptist pastor.
10. I have bungy jumped.
11. My favorite color is blue.
12. My favorite sport to watch is football.
13. Favorite food is Mexican.
14. I live my life one day at a time, and dont sweat the small stuff because I know how short life is. Is there really any other way to live?
15. I support YMCA athletics as well as all the other programs that are provided especially to those who cannot afford it for their kids.
16. I enjoy helping others.
17. My family is my life. That includes all of them.
18. I enjoy going to the drive in with my wife and kids.
19. Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
20. God is my only fear.
So here is who I will tag:
Lisa @ Rude Manor
Keri @ Tyler and Ava's World
Misty @ Wind Beneath My Wings
Wibeche @ Beautiful Days
Lee @ Perpetual Burn
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:59 AM 15 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Tag
Monday, February 2, 2009
Not Me Monday!
It was NOT me who while watching the Super Bowl commercials laughed at a real funny one, and because I still have the flu my laugh caused me to cough and projectile launch a wad of phlegm across the room nearly missing the head of a kid.
It was NOT my 2 year old whom I found while playing in the backyard totally NAKED! NO WAY that was NOT one of my kids. Must have been some stray that jumped my fence. Yeah, that's what it was!
It was also NOT the referees in the BIG GAME who missed call after call to practically give the game to Pitiful town. Sorry Steeler fans I still love ya!
And it was also not me who allowed my daughter to play with he neighborhood kids yesterday even though she was grounded because she said "but DaaaaauhDeee" and I felt it a good chance to watch the Super Bowl uninterrupted. No way NOT ME!
Now get on over to MckMama's and check out the rest of the Not Me's!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:42 AM 23 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Flu, Not Me Monday