It's time again for MckMama's Not Me Monday. If you aren't already doing this you should get on over to her blog and get started!
Some of our events this past week went like this:
I did NOT find my son in his room with a full bottle of children's vitamins after he has already deposited around 160 of them into his stomach. Still not sure how or when he got to them, but we are for sure glad that he is ok. These particular vitamins were two to get one daily dose anyway so he really only got around 80 doses instead on 160. Nevertheless I did NOT have to take him to the ER for it.
We were on the way to the store tonight and my daughter says from the back seat as if its the best things she has ever seen..... "LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY FLOWERS!!!"
It was NOT me that looked to see that it was a cemetery. It was also NOT me who told her it was a place where they grow flowers.
Then when we were at the store It was NOT me who bought my son (Will age 2) a box of candy (Wonka Bottle Caps) to keep him happy. It was also NOT me who turned around and purchased a freaking Bicycle for my daughter because she felt left out and that was what she wanted. It is also NOT me that is SOOOO soft.
Then as we were in the car on the way home it was NOT my wife who when realizing I had bought my son a box of bottle caps says "why did you get those? They taste like ASS!" Only to hear my daughter in the back immediately say "THEY DO NOT TASTE LIKE ASS!!!!" I so wanted to say how do you know they dont taste like ass Taylor? Have you ever tasted ass? However I refrained.
At least this week she didn't fart in public.
32 Soldier's saluted this post:
Really livin life at 1:40am, right? Taylor's comment cracks me up as does the candy vs. bike tale! Happy Monday :)
Stunt Man got into my thyroid meds...and gobbled a few down too before I realized what he was doing. Yep ER visit for us too. Tha happened when he was two as well. I thought those bottles were child proof? sheesh. Great list. I love bottle caps...well, maybe not the coke or the rootbeer ones, but the grape and orange are good. LOL
I am actually on CST so it is 2:40AM here.
Blogging at the Fort never shuts down. I think they operate on a 24 hour time schedule, just like Wenda!
Saw your comment this morning, Tim. I do not believe that SITS is limited only to women. You are most definitely welcome to participate in the Where's Wenda? Contest. We would never leave our most trusted solider out of the fun.
Be sure to read the "new to SITS" link on their site. It should explain pretty much everything about how they roll.
Good luck!
Hey Tim~
Glad you stopped by this weekend...thanks for your kind comment! I'm so happy to know that little Will is OK! Love your "Not Me Monday" tales! The comment about the bottle caps...CLASSIC! :)
Have a super Monday!
Your wife is wrong though. Bottle Caps are sensational!! Vitamins on the other hand, those do taste like ass, so it's amazing that your son ate that many of them. I'm so glad everything turned out ok with that though. How terrifying.
Oh my goodness! You kill me! I really have to stop reading your posts at work!
Stopping by, chasing Wenda.but just wanted to say your "Not Me's are hilarious and scary at the same time..." 160 vitamins, that's quite a chug! And a, that is so something my husband would do! Hope you have a great week!
Oh Tim
The Fort cracks me up..
oh man I too would of brought the candy and a special spomething for the others you are not alone I do have to admitt my kids are my week ness .
I'm so glad that your son is ok, was he the enginized bunny the rest of the weeek end lol.. hope his tummy is alright well look at it this way you do not need to rememeber to give him a vit for a while..
Kid's sure are parots aren't they ? they repeat every thing even things we wish they have not lol...
have a great week michelle
I'm rolling with such loud laughter right now to the point I may wake my napping neighbor twins!
The flowers at the cemetary, the Bottle Caps and bike purchases, and the whole "Bottle Cap Taste Debate."
You're killing me here! But please don't stop. I LOVE it!
Glad Will is fine from what we'll now refer to as the "Vitamin Incident At The Fort" :)
Have a great week,
Oh my gosh! A whole bottle of vitamins! I can't even imagine... I would be freaking out : ).
Bottlecaps versus a Bicycle! Wow. She has you wrapped around her finger. But how could she not? She is such a cutie!
Tim, your Not me's made me laugh out loud!!!!!
Especially the on with the Bottle Caps1
Uhm I wonder if my comment came through... Got an error report...
Anyways, loved the NMM! Especially the Bottled Caps!
Too funny Tim. Looks like you were doing the "salk and refresh" on MckMama's blog too. Way to go #7!
Glad your son is okay. That would certainly scare me enough for an ER visit too!
Bottle caps, eh? It's been a while since I've had them, but I think I liked them.
Have a great week!
Hey Tim, that's a funny (after the fact) 'Not me Monday!' I'm glad your son is alright and that is too funny about what your daughter said, hahaha. We've ran into similar situations with our girls...they sure do copy EVERYTHING, don't they?
Hey, cool that Wenda visited you too!!
Jamie :-)
Too funny about the bottle caps!!!
A new bike vs. Bottle caps? I"m voting for a new bike too :D
Your son got a box of candy's and your daughter got a bike. Very unfair, but she deserves it for all the ridicule she's going to get when she tells her friends where she goes to get free flowers.
bahahaha...I so just almost fell out of my chair at the last one!!
Oh and thanks for your encouraging words last Thursday on my stubborn weight!
can i be adopted?? i want a wii!! i want a wii!!
funny funny post. i laughed way out loud.
have a blessed week!
Hilarious! I also taught my child to say ass this week. Oops!
Great not me monday, I guess the place were they grow flowers is a fairly good excuse for now lol
I am starting a new post on the 12th of march called - Honor them Thursday - and I am looking for as many people to take part as possible. it will have mr linky so your person of honor can be seen by the world. it's a chance to honor the people you love wether it's your mom or dad or you partner or your child or one of your your friends or maybe some one has inspierd you. Honor them and say thankyou. I hope you will join in
How scary about the vitamins. I am glad everything turned out okay. Happy Monday!!
I've seriously said "they taste like ass" and gotten that retort from my mom. She love, love, loves to contradict me.
I'm just surprised I can say ass around my mom to be honest. She used to yell at me for saying crap. I've been testing my boundaries lately.
I think telling your daughter than the cemetery was a place they grow flowers was so sweet! There is plenty enough time in life to know the truth.
Oh my, this is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! I am cracking up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
Oh, that last one sent me into fits of laughter! And I hope that your little boy never catches on that he got the bad end of that deal at the store! Great Not Me's, Tim.
I think I love your wife. That's hilarious. And I totally want to go to the store with you.... if it means I get things.
i love these not me mondays... i don't like those bottle caps either and im sorry your week did NOT include a trip to the ER... hope next week is ER free... :)
Scary about your son! I walked in on my son drinking something scary (I must have blocked the memory because I can't remember what it was) and we spent an evening in the ER once.
Great list!
I will be back to read the death experience...I don't have time right now and I want to devote time to it.
Glad that your son is okay after taking all those vitamins! WOW! It would have totally freaked me out!
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