Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get Cha Some!

Thanks to my good friend Jo over @ Life's Perfect Picture's, I have received the Kreative Blogger award. This award is given to those who have shown great creativity in their blog design. I must name 7 things that I love and pass it on to 7 bloggers so, here goes!

7 things I love:

1. My God.

2. My Wife.

3. My Children.

4. My Parents.

5. My Friends (all of you).

6. Playing Golf.

7. Oops left this one off origingally. Thanks to you who spotted it and brought it to my attention. I love watching my daughter play Wii fit as it makes me laugh.

I also received the Ain't Life Grand award from Jo. I am to list five things that make my life grand so here they are.

1. My life is grand because I am.

2. My life is grand because of my faith.

3. My life is grand whenever I laugh.

4. My life is grand when I'm with my kids.

5. My life is Always grand because of my wife.

I don't want anyone to be left out on these awards. If you are a Fort Thompson Prayer Soldier and you visit often this award is for you. Please take it and let others know that you got it here!

And if you havent registered for the giveaway, scroll down the page and get registered! There will be a new giveaway on Monday!!!

Love and Prayers,

12 Soldier's saluted this post:

Lee said...

Sorry if I haven't been commenting! I've been so sick that I've just wanted to pass out each night.

He & Me + 3 said...

Both great lists. God & family...everything:)

Anonymous said...

I love laughing too!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your two recognition awards. I like what you are thankful for.

Cupcake Dessert said...

congrats on your awards!!!!

Heatherlyn said...

I hadn't seen the life is grand award yet. It's a good one. I enjoy golf too. I just wish that I were actually good at it. Even marginally good at it. :)

Kaleena said...

I just wanted to say thank you for posting about prayer for my family! You have brought many prayers our way through your blog. Your kindness is appreciated! Bless you and yours!
Kaleena from McNabb Land

Rune said...

Congrats on your awards:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the awards. Well deserved.

Jennifer Taylor said...

Congratulations on your blog awards. I love the layout design of this blog, especially the title.

Anonymous said...

Hey there congratulations on your Kreative Blogger award. I can only see 6 things that you love and not 7. Soooo...what comes after golf?

McCrakensx4 said...

Congrats on your awards, you deserve them! Great lists too...God, family, what more do you need! Have a good weekend!