Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Painful Footnote

Things we do while barefoot:

You ever stumped your toe on the couch?

Stepped on a small kids toy that was left out?

Accidentally stepped on a rock while walking down the street to the mailbox? Can ya say heel bruise?

Dropped a pot or something in the kitchen on it pinching it between the heavy pot and the hard tile of the floor?

Kicked the corner of the bed post while trying to find your way in the dark?

Had one of those things they call your kids slam it with a golf club while in the backyard?

Closed a door onto the top of it.

Dropped around 50 pounds of tile onto it shattering it into many pieces.

Dropped a rechargeable battery on it that was removed from a electric jeep that kids drive. Oh, and yeah it landed on the sharp corner of the battery.

So if you ever want to see me jump around and cry like a little girl, just come to my house and one of these things is sure to happen again soon.

What was your worst foot pain?

Love and Prayers,

33 Soldier's saluted this post:

lmt1073 said...

I'm going to have to go with having my daughter's horse throw me off then stomp my foot after she reared up. Fracture right across that bone that goes from your big toe to your ankle... ouch, ouch, ouch

Nikki B. said...

worst pain....

dropped an iron on my toes once from a shelf that was 8 feet off the ground. yeah...broken toes. those toes no longer bend...at all!!

but, this stuff happens all the time, because i never wear shoes. like...NEVER...

i'm a hippie. a shoeless, pantie-less hippie!! stubbed toes and dirty feet are a daily part of my life!!!

sorry you hurt your piggies, bubbles!!!

Elyse said...

I think my worst foot pain is when both my big toes were infected and I seemed to kick everything around me. The door, wall, and even a toy!

April said...

OOOOOH.....I slammed my pinkie toe in a screen-door once and broke it....it turned black! My girls are constantly scraping the end of their toes off on the concrete outside and I am constantly reminding them to wear shoes.....and then I go and do the same thing!

Esther said...

I had to have surgery in middle school because of bone spurs. Painful. Plus, they had to do it twice because the first time didn't take. At least I got out of gym! ;-)

April said...

Did every one of those really happen to you? If so, you poor guy! Makes me break out in a sweat just thinking about it! I'm not sure I can top what you've experienced, but here goes!

Well, when I was a cheerleader in high school, we were building a pyramid. Being the shortie that I am, I was on top. Well, as I was coming down from the pyramid, I, accidentally stepped on my friend's heel and my foot snapped...it fractured a bone that runs along the side of it. At first, I laughed...I think it was the shock of it all. Then, the tears came (see, I cry like a little girl, too!) and I had to be taken to the hospital. I was in a cast and on crutches for 6 long weeks. It hurt like the dickens!

Then, several years ago, I was in a 5K. Boy, I was coming into the finish and, like Brittany, I was burning up the black top (as best I could!). Hey, I did finish in 1st place for my age division! LOL! Anyhow, as I was making a turn, I felt my foot snap (yes, it was the same one!). I ended up suffering a stress fracture and, boy, did it hurt! No cast this time, but I had to wear an ugly-looking boot. Took me about 6 weeks for it to fully recover.

See? I told you, my stories of pain and agony pale in comparision to yours!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! No good! I broke my pinkie toe on Sunday. It was really stupid too. I didn't want to put my baseball cleats back on without socks so I walked to my car barefoot and got in and whacked the heck out of my toe getting in. It was double the size and now it's crooked. Nice!

Watch out for those random items and children! :)

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Let me just say that nothing in particular stands out, because, I too have had many of those things happen!

Caroline is notorious for stepping on my feet, daily! You would think I would learn by now to keep my shoes on, but...no! I still run around with my bare piggies hanging out!

Unknown said...

I have always been a bit of a clutz, but it wasn't until last summer when I broke a toe AND had plantar fasciitis (I have no idea how to spell it) that my feet really hurt, all day, every day.

Anonymous said...

When I broke my next to the last toe on the end of my bed post, talk about PAIN....It hurt and hurt and hurt!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

I think I have done most of those things and posted about them on my NMM...lol We are too much alike:)
But the worst foot pain is an ingrown toenail. OMGosh. I always manage to bump that toe too. Yikes.

Mandy Hornbuckle said...

One time I was walking around Chicago wearing flip flops and tripped on some raised sidewalk, slicing my toe right open. Even worse, we were lost, so I had to hobble along until we could find where we needed to be. I'll be we walked 2 or 3 miles with me limping and bleeding all over my flip-flop! Ha.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Oh, Oh, what happened to you?

I hate to stubb my toe, but I always get a charlie horse in my foot...drives it crazy!

Look you have 200 followers!! Congrats.

Heatherlyn said...

Have all of those things happened to your feet? I'm cringing just imagining it. I've had a few. But you take the cake! OUCH!!!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Ouch! I felt all those pains. The stubbing the toe in the middle of the night is something I've done way too often.

Have a great day

Aspiemom said...

Perhaps it was when we had 2 ladies visiting with my family. Did I mention they were fat? And when we were getting out of the car at church, the fattest one stepped on my foot.

I was a polite teenager and pretended nothing happened, but when I got inside church I saw blood running onto the carpet.

After church she saw me limping with my bandaged foot and said "My goodness! Whatever happened?" I said "Some lady stepped on my foot."

She said "She must have been heavy! Was she fat?"

Yes, she was.

(I've had several foot accidents. One time a food cart at the hospital rolled over my toe. Once I fell down the dorm steps. All of these times I lost my toenails.)

I am Harriet said...

You've got pain? I just had my tooth extracted. Now that's pain ;(

Lee said...

The worst thing I did to my foot was dropping a tube of toothpaste on it.
Doesn't sound bad, right?
The cap hit my big toe, and bruised the entire thing.
It hurt for MONTHS.

Valarie Lea said...

Lets see.... the time I got a third degree sprain on my left foot while leaving the ball pit at discovery zone. Yep that was bad.

Anonymous said...

Okay I have 2....both happened to the same foot! Last June I was moving out of my house and carrying a box- stepped right off the porch - about 4 1/2 feet off the ground. There were steps...I don't know what happened, but I missed them all and landed on the ground w/my feet bent under me. My left ankle popped and my entire foot was black and blue. My dad said I tore a tendon! I never went to the doc though...I was too broke for him to tell me to stay off of it! hehe!
Okay Round 2: Just about 2 weeks ago up here at work I was putting away samples that were stacked on a desk. There were 3 slabs of granite (3 cm thick, about 12x12 in size) and I picked up the top 2 and the bottom one fell off the desk right onto the side of my ankle bone. I thought I was going to die! It hurt so bad! My poor little vein was sticking out of the side of my foot for hours!!!
Okay enough about all that! Is it time to get off work yet??? hehehe!

Always a Southern Girl said...

I slammed my barefoot in the car door. Ouch! Oh and tripped down the stairs late one night and still am suffering from that one. :)

Anonymous said...

omg, you're a mess. At least I spread my injuries throughout my entire body.

Michele said...

Funny you should post about foot pain as I sit here with a broken big toe. Ouch is correct sir! I know you're wondering how I might have done that, well that's between me and the object that caused it because it's too stupid to say! I hope you're footsies are ok!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Stepping on tiny wooden alphabet blocks on the middle of the night. Ouch!

Unknown said...

This was too hard to read. Oh my. Oh my goodness. Those jeep batteries are ridiculously heavy, aren't they? : )

Tiffany said...

Okay, worst foot infliction...is that a word??... anyway... being stepped on by a horse. It was a miracle I didn't have any breaks. Believe it or not, it did "scar" the bones of my foot which can still be felt! Strange!!

So how's that for a HOWDY!!! Boy is it good to be visiting you again, friend. I've missed you, too. You've been extremely busy while I was trekking across the country. 200 followers? DUDE! Just remember, I was one of your first!!!! Hahahaha!! Seriously, great to be back in touch and in the know again. :)

Hate to hear that Stellan is back in the hospital. I spent a good deal of time catching up over there and am on my knees in prayer for him and the whole family. Made me hug my little guys a bit tighter this evening.

I'll chat more with you soon so this comment doesn't go on forever!!

Yur bud,


Sandy said...

Ouch! Just reading that hurts!

McCrakensx4 said...

OUCH! Watch out for falling objects! And for things in the dark! I think I have done a lot, if not most of the things you described and it hurts! The worst was when I dropped a knife and sliced my toe...YIKES (still have a huge scar from that one!)

Just wanted to say a big THANKS for the camera tips. I am gonna try it tonight at Bren's game! I appreciate your help and info!

Have a Fab Wednesday!

Cheryl Lage said...

Ow, ow, ow! All of those instances you described made me wince! Worst foot pain ever for me, in the days immediately following the birth of our twins, stubbed my toe into the old iron radiator base with a baby in arms. Ouch. Still remember the balck and blue (and green) trail that travelled up my foot as a result.

Whew. Not having that pain at present makes me feel better somehow! ;)

Have a great night, Tim!

Melanie (Raising our Blessings) said...

I have two that I can still remember to this day.
Having somebody sit next to you with a chair and put it accidentaly on your little toe and sit on it with their full weight, yikes.
Walking in the dark in the room and stepping on the lost thumb tack from earlier that day, ouch.

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

There is nothing more painful than stepping on a lego. Not the small ones... the big Mega ones. You see you step on one and jump and always step on another because there is never just one lego on the floor. I would rather walk on hot coals...

angie {the arthur clan} said...

I'm always barefoot Tim. Last summer I was running up our basement steps (no carpet) and stubbed my toe really bad. My entire toenail ended up falling off - gross!

That was bad...but it got much worse about two months later when my toe started itching and the end of it swelled up like a big, pussy balloon. That was the grossest thing I have ever seen. I have continued to have problems with it off and on for over six months now.

I'm going to be so mad if I won't be able to wear my cute sandals and toe rings this summer. Urgh!!

Jennifer said...

Thankfully just blisters from ballet.