Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monthly Miracles

This post is going to give you chills, and might even draw some tears. Let me provide some background:

I posted about my story of what happened when I died and how God performed a miracle in my life so that I could live. The post was titled Angels and Miracles in case you want to check it out.

So this brought up the idea of showcasing different peoples experiences with miracles or angel sightings in their lives. Thus Fort Thompson Monthly Miracles was born. It is my hope that this can go from monthly to weekly, but in order to do that I need your help getting the word out to others to send in their stories. They can be emailed to me.

This gives us all the opportunity to read about some truly remarkable things that have happened, and how God has worked in many different peoples lives. So please help us to get the word out.

This is our first Monthly Miracles post, and we are more than honored to share with you the story of a lady who has become a very close friend of mine. She is one of the most down to earth people you will ever meet, and would do anything for those she loves. She has a sense of humor that is unmatched, and almost every post I read on her blog makes me laugh in some way.

Again, I am honored to call her my friend and even more so to feature her story. So I give you our first Monthly Miracle post from Nikki Bullock author of Life as We Know It.

While I'm not exactly a religious person, I cannot deny that there is something after this life.

When I was about sixteen, we visited my grandparents to celebrate my grandmother's birthday, which was March 18th. Our family gathered, laughed, played games and enjoyed the warm spring weather together for a entire afternoon. Eleven days later, on March 29th, my grandfather died suddenly of a heart attack in the driveway of his home as he was heading out to run errands.

Fast forward a little more than three years...

My son was born with a birth defect called gastroschisis. Basically, his abdominal wall failed to close early in development leaving a hole and his intestines had herniated through it. In most cases, the doctors would simply slip the intestines back through the hole. My son was not so lucky. His intestines had twisted and died leaving him with only 10% of his small bowel. His only hope for survival was a new and experimental small bowel transplant. My boy's name was Joel Hays after his uncle and my grandfather.

Fast forward three months...

When Joey was three months old, he was strong enough to be evaluated for the transplant. I was barely twenty years old and scared to death. The doctors told my (now) husband and I horror stories about the transplantation process and it's risks. They pretty much told us that our son would most likely not survive...and even if he did, his life would be a struggle. We didn't know what to do. We were terrified and thought maybe it wasn't worth it...maybe we should just let him go now, without surgeries and medications and hospitals. Just let our boy rest in peace.

We decided to sleep on it and talk about it more in the morning. When I finally drifted off to sleep I had a very vivid that I can still remember to this day. I was at my grandmother's house visiting and I saw a light, roughly in the shape of a man. Even though I could not see his face, I knew it was my grandfather who had passed away. I was thrilled to see him! I ran to him and told him how happy I was that he was here and how we all missed him. I was talking faster than I knew was possible...

Grandy, we've missed you. Have you seen my boy? Have you seen him? We named him after you. What do you think? Aren't you proud?

He let me finish and said...

Of course I've seen him and you need to know that the boy has a fighting chance.

I awoke from the dream and sat straight up in bed. I looked at the was 5:00am on March 18th. Four years, to the day, that I had last seen my grandfather before he died. The fear and hesitation I had about the procedure was washed away. I woke my husband and told him that we had to do it. We had to give our boy a chance. He was placed on the waiting list for a small bowel that day.

Fast forward five months...

The pager went off. THE pager...the one that alerted us that organs were available for Joey. The bittersweet moment that somewhere, a family was suffering the ultimate loss, yet, they were willing to share the "gift of life" with us. This was his chance...our boy's chance at life. It was August grandfather's birthday.

I DO NOT believe that these were just coincidences. Even my rational mind will not allow it. An angel was sent, and whether it was my grandfather himself, or a representation of him so that I would be comforted...I do not know. What I do that there is more after this life and it is warm and so, so peaceful.

Sadly, Joey's new organs didn't function as well as they needed to. He passed away when he was 10 months and 21 days old. We donated his heart to a little girl who wouldn't have survived 48 hours without it. While I had hoped that the "fighting chance" my grandfather spoke of was for a life for my wasn't. He was fighting for her. She is because of him...and it was totally worth it!

So if this story moved you as it did me, leave a comment here and spread the word to get others you know to submit their stories as well. Also make sure to pay Nikki a visit and send her your love for having the courage to share. She will know The Fort sent ya!

Make sure you keep an eye out for more Fort Thompson Monthly Miracles, and please consider organ donation as you too may also be a part of God's will to save another's life.

Love and Prayers,

49 Soldier's saluted this post:

Nikki B. said...

Thanks, was my pleasure!!!

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Wow, what a moving story!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing that! What a touching story!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

This was beautiful...

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome idea and an amazing story.

(((Hugs))) for Joel and his family.

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

God works in amazing ways.

April said...

Amazing, powerful, inspirational, awe-inspiring! Thank you so much, Tim, for posting this story...God DOES work in mysterious ways! I'm off to visit Nikki now!

April said...

I joined your Fort Followers in the Blog Frog community...but, how do I go about linking my blog to yours? I'm not the most computer savvy person around, you know? :)

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

This story just completely touched my heart.
I love this new feature of yours, Tim. I will have the story I promised to you by this time next week. :)

Michele said...

Wonderful story and great idea as well! Thanks for everything you do Tim, you are truly an inspiration!

I am Harriet said...

Hi Tim.
This is an amazing story.
Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing story. Thank you!

Esther said...

It is amazing how God works. Thank you for sharing that story!

Melissa Miller said...

Tim what a wonderful idea to feature stories like this one.
Thank you for sharing.
This one truly touched me deeply.

Kaleena said...

Just beautiful! That story truly touched my heart. Thank you for sharing.

Leah said...

That was an awesome story. It's interesting that Nikki was able to interpret her dream the way she did. It's inspiring.

Lane said...

An amazing story. Ever since I visited your blog, I had always wondered about the one you miss so terribly. My condolences for your loss. He looked to be such a cute kid. Your story is very moving, Nikki.

Stephanie said...


What a beautiful way to use your blog and lead others to the hope of miracles...Thank you so much for sharing your story and the story of others. This story along with yours moved me so greatly...thank you! I see a great future for this and hope that all can read and be moved by your blog. I hope you and the family are doing well. Much love!


BloggessJ said...

Wow....Much love to Nikki for sharing her story with us.

Dot O said...

Tim, thanks so much for sharing Nikki's miracle with us.....

Anonymous said...

How incredibly touching!

Lauren said...

This was incredible. What an extremely touching story. Thank you for featuring this each month!!! :o)

Jennifer said...

Thank you for sharing such a deeply personal and moving story.

Anonymous said...

What a sad story but I love how Nikki saw the gift that her son was able to give the little girl.

A great start to what I am sure will be an inspirational monthly series.

Brooke said...

Coming over from Nikki's blog! Love that you are sharing storied like this! Thanks :)

angie {the arthur clan} said...

I am so sorry for Nikki's loss and so overwhelmed by the gift she gave to the other baby's family. What a loving, caring person she must be! Such an inspirational story to read today.

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

It is always sad when a child is lost and my heart aches for this family. I appreciate you giving them a platform to share their story and their hope that others will donate their organs.

Michele said...

I love your blog! It gives me hope that there are people in this world that are angels themselves.

Steph said...

How touching! Stories like this always make me cry!

Kristens Creations said...

This story really touched me! Great idea to feature one each month. Kristen

Carebear said...

Oh my gosh, what a powerful story. I am holding my 6 month old baby as I read it and I am hugging her tightly as I cry. The story did give me goosebumps and did cause tears. I'm happy that they got their ten months with Joel, and that he was able to save another child's life, but I am heartbroken that they lost their baby so soon. Thanks to Nikki for sharing the personal and moving story.

Lee said...

What a touching story. It really moved me.

Always a Southern Girl said...

Awesome!--Take care, Renee

Lady Christie said...

What a touching story.

Heatherlyn said...

THat was a beautiful post. I love the reality that sometimes the results of the miracles we hope to have for ourselves are really not for us but are what we can do to bless others.

Thanks for posting this. I hope you continue.

Heidi said...

Wow, this WAS a tear-jerker! What a lovely idea for a monthly post. Thanks for getting my attention (and for your prayers on our behalf!). I'm here now!

Kameron said...

I already told Nikki that she usually makes me laugh till I wet myself, but this time that was in the form of crying! Thanks for hosting this Tim!

Cascia Talbert said...

Wow, that is a touching story. It sure is something how things work out. We may not understand God's plan but things do work out.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I am glad you did!


Keri said...

Ok, so now I'm sobbing all over my keyboard. What an amazing story!

TidyMom said...

What a moving story and a beautiful post!


Jo said...

Wow, what a moving story! Love this new feature Tim! Stop by my place for an award!

Liz said...

What an amazing and beautiful story...thanks for sharing this story with all of us

Rune said...

This storie moved me. I have tears in my eyes.

Thanks for sharing:)


Anonymous said...

Moved to tears.

This hits closer to home than I like to admit.

Thanks for sharing this.

Sarah said...

So sorry for their loss! But it's amazing what comfort a dream and the lord can bring you! I've had similiar dreams from loved ones who passed away.

Jaysi said...

Wow! What an amazing story. I am in awe that God gave them the strength to see the blessing in giving life to another one of his children. Really beautiful!

Unknown said...

This is such a powerful, inspirational, and beautiful story!!

God does perform miracles with us all, but with/through some more than others so we all can learn of His works!

Thank you so much for posting this amazing story for us all to learn from!!

Coach Marla

Unknown said...

This is such a powerful, inspirational, and beautiful story!!

God does perform miracles with us all, but with/through some more than others so we all can learn of His works!

Thank you so much for posting this amazing story for us all to learn from!!

Coach Marla