I wanted to thank those of you who have sent me email asking how I am doing. It means more to me than you will ever know, and the prayers have been much needed.
I am feeling a little bit better, however I know I still have a long way to go. I have a very weak immune system to begin with, so asking it to handle something like this on its own will be tricky. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
So let me set the scene for what happened today at the doctors office:
Our entire family is sitting waiting in the patients room for the doctor to come in. The nurse has just left and we are seeking ways to keep the kids occupied and quite. For those who don't know, my son is 2 and my daughter just turned 6. It went something like this....
Me: Will, lower your voice please.
Will: voish? wat voish?
Me: (pointing to my mouth) your mouth, make your mouth quiet.
Will: uh...ohhhh mouuuf! (as he points to his own mouth)
Me: that's right close your mouth.
Taylor: Daddy's got a BIG MOUTH!
Of course she is talking about the actual size of it, but that wasn't the way it sounded.
After the laughter subsides:
Taylor: He's got the biggest belly too!
I know you are all quite happy now that I am one who takes life lightly enough to share this kind of moment with you even thought they are so incriminating to me. So to that end I say, you better have laughed!!
THIS JUST IN..........
Will goes to the kitchen and puts a small piece of paper in the trash for mommy. He then quickly returns to ask the following question.
Wat I geeaat? Mommy wat I geeaat? As if he needs an award or something. He is freakin two!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thank You and Taylor Talk
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 6:38 PM 25 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Flu, Taylor Talk, Will Talk
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Prayer Request *UPDATE*
Ok, now that I have my senses about me I can type this update. I went to the doctors office this morning, and while I almost lost consciousness while there, I did make it home.
I have a rare strain of the Influenza Virus that is extremely severe in its effects. I did not get to the doctor fast enough so I am not able to be administered the medicine needed to recover. It must be received within the first 48 hours. Therefore as my doctor put it "your just gonna have to suck it up" and these were her exact words.
Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me. It means more than you will ever know. Hopefully I can recover from this thing pretty quickly, but for now, its just kickin my butt.
I cant remember when I was ever as sick as I am right now, and I've had to endure pneumonia before. Please keep me in your prayers, I see my doctor today.
God Bless
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:09 AM 52 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Doctors Visit, Flu, Prayer Request
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not Me Monday!

So here we are at the beginning of another week. I do hope that yours is special. So sit back and relax, because here comes your Fort Thompson Not Me's. Always guaranteed to be funny!
It was NOT me who ended up a human bubble machine tonight. Carey goes to the store, decides to get sweet on me by picking up some of my favorite snacks. She is soo sweet. She gets me some of my favorite candy (Whoppers, the pink strawberry one's!) and I couldn't be more excited about it. Turns out that on her way home she had busted a bottle of fabric softener. You know the REALLY smelly kind, the stuff I really like to smell when its in MY CLOTHES! Anyway, I digress. So it spills all over everything which includes the box my candy comes in. When she gets home and unpacks the groceries she says "ohhh, I was wondering why the car smelled sooooo clean". So she is in such a hurry, and thinks that the fabric softener got onto the candy box only, but NOT on the candy, even though it was soaking wet! And decides to put the candy in a Tupperware container to give to me. I get the candy and do think its a bit weird that they are given to me this way and not in a box, but in my excitement I dump into my mouth about as many as I can and begin to chew and swallow. It creeps up on me slowly as I think, MAN there is something seriously wrong with this candy. Then it comes to me as the taste and smell of lillie fill my sinus cavities. I run to the sink to expectorate what was left as my eyes have turned red and now drip with tears. So it is NOT me who's nose has bubbles coming out of it and who's mouth tastes like it has 10 million lillies in it. It is also NOT me who is the human bubble machine as every time I cough for 10 to 15 minutes bubbles come out. The entire family of course takes this opportunity (as I would have, I've taught them well) to laugh and poke fun of my misery. I'm so glad they got a good kick out of it.
It was also NOT me who stood in line at Home Depot to ask the guy a question when the following happened.
There is a lady who is in line behind us also waiting to ask a question and my daughter (who is so kind to strangers) strikes up a conversation with her. Well at least she was talking to the lady, but the lady was not speaking to her. I turned and noticed just as my daughter said something to make her laugh that she was in desperate need of a dental plan, (who knows she might have been on Idol in her younger years) and in that split second my so helpful daughter says " HEY I THINK SOME OF YOUR TEETH FALLED OUT!"
No that couldn't have been me?
Now get on over to MckMama's and check out the rest of the Not Me Monday's! For those of you who havent noticed, just thought I would mention, she has been leaving comments here at Fort Thompson!! So stay tuned you never know what she might do next!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:53 AM 33 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Bubble Mouth, Not Me Monday, Taylor Talk
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I have received an Award from Wibeche at Beautiful Days. The cool thing about this award is that it came to me all the way from NOWAY!! (Norway)
It is a very special award in that it is given to those who have extended you a helping hand, as well as those who are newer bloggers, for you to give some encouragement. The only thing I dislike about these awards is that I cant give them to the amount of fellow bloggers that deserve them. I will stick to the rules though.
Here are the rules: Select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging Helping Hand, then "Pay it Forward" by extending your "Helping Hand" to 5 additional new bloggers, in support and encouragement for their efforts.
In passing on the Emblem, each recipient must provide the name of blog, or blog author with a link for others to visit. Each recipient must show the Emblem, and put the name and link to the blog that has given it to her or him. Link the Emblem to this post: The Emblem of the Helping Hand so that others will know it origin and impetus.
If you have not already done so, show your recipients some love by adding them to your blog roll or in any other way to further let them know that their blog voice is important to you and being heard.
Add your name to The Helping Hand meme at my new blog entitled The Emblem of the Helping Hand and don't forget to leave a comment as a permanent record of all Helping Hand recipients.
So here are my recipients, I chose not to categorize them in this manner because they are all equally important.
Jennifer aka MckMama @ My Charming Kids
Angie @ Davisix
Elizabeth @ A Nut in a Nutshell
Jill @ Scary Mommy
Michelle @ Circle of Life
Stephanie @ My Loves Forever
Elyse @ Following Him
Nikki @ Life as We Know It
Melissa @ Melissa's Heart and Home
Hollie @ The Drama Mama
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 5:18 PM 18 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Awards, Helping Hand, Wibeche
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thanksgiving Thursday
Ok so here is my entry into Nicole's Thanksgiving Thursday. This is a great way to take time each week to share some of the thing that you are thankful for. We should all take time to be more grateful. So hop on over to the link below to post your entry at Nicole's.
1. My wife. I will never be able to express how thankful I am to have her in my life.
2. My parents. Without them I wouldn't be the person that I am. I feel so blessed to have each of them to share my life with. God is so good.
3. My daughters health. She has missed two days of school, but is now feeling better. I hate to see either of them sick, it hurts my heart.
4. American Idol. Seriously have you watched it?
5. I'm thankful I don't have any addictions.
6. Family vacations
7. Any time I get to spend alone with my family.
8. For all of you who take the time to read my silly posts.
And the last two are for my wife.
9. Grey's Anatomy
10. ER or Private Practice
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:52 PM 40 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Thanksgiving Thursday
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
And The Winner Is.........
As some of you may know, I'm not big on announcing awards even though I enjoy getting them. I am however HUGE on recognizing others, especially those who I have become good friends as they follow Fort Thompson on a regular basis never failing to leave a comment.
Speaking of comments, please do think of leaving a comment to any post on any blog you read. We can all use the encouragement.
So on to the awards!
This first award I received from April at Say it on a Sign, and then a few days later got the same award from Christie at A Sassy Mommas Chatter, so I wanted to mention and thank them both.
Second Award - Honest Scrap
This award is given to those who have the ability to be brutally honest no matter what the case.
So here are the five people that I would like to pass Both of these awards on to.
1. Mimi @ He & Me + 3
2. Hollie @ All Things in Moddy
3. Angie @ Seven Clown Circus
4. Amy @ Living Locurto
5. Angie @ The Arthur Clan
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:38 PM 19 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Awards, Honest Scrap, Your Blog is Fabulous
Monday, January 19, 2009
Don't HATE this Post!
Ok for all you wonderful ladies out there that read The Fort, please don't leave me hate comments after reading this, and if you must can you please make them in a loving way? Don't worry I'm a big boy and I can handle it if you do.
To my wife,
Please accept my apology in advance of reading this and know how much I love you. Some day you will forget I even posted this.
Ok so this is the conversation that I just had with my daughter on the way home from dinner. She was talking to me about vacations. I just didn't know how to resist not sharing this. Again sweety I'm sorry. :)
Taylor: Daddy? When is the next time we are gonna stay in a hotel?
Daddy: I don't know sweety why?
Taylor: Because I like staying in hotels.
Daddy: Me too sweety, I like them allot.
Taylor: Mommy doesn't like hotels daddy.
Daddy: (Long Pause) Ummmm......She just doesn't like the cost.
Taylor: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes sweety?
Taylor: Mommy's CHEAP!!!!
This was just too rich in my opinion not to post.
By the way, I have gotten allot of great comments on how many of you enjoy the humor in this blog. Therefore I will do what I can to bring you more of it since I am a true believer in that laughter is the best medicine.
So if you really enjoy a good laugh, go and check out this Not Me Monday post from my new friend Nikki at Life as We Know It. It is the funniest thing I have read all day. It is for sure a DON'T MISS POST!!! Make sure you leave her a comment and tell her Fort Thompson sent ya!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:25 PM 24 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Nikki, Taylor Talk
Not Me Monday!
Here is this weeks Not Me Monday. You can go to MckMama's site to see more great Not Me Monday's

It will NOT be me that watches American Idol this week just to make fun of peoples teeth.
Speaking of American Idol. It is also NOT me that believes that watching it will improve your self esteem. Its like going to a county fair!
It was NOT me that gave my son a dose of children's Tylenol only because he got upset that his sister got some when she had a fever last night. It is also NOT me that is weak when it comes to things like this involving my kids.
It was NOT me that hid from my daughter at the store to try and teach her a lesson about walking off when she didn't even care or get scared.
No Not Me.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:06 AM 19 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Not Me Monday
I Heart Faces Entry

This is my I Heart Faces entry for this week. It is important I feel to note that this is an exposure with a point and shoot camera with no post shoot editing. Right from the camera baby. It is slightly overexposed for a high key effect.
Another of the same shot just cropped a bit closer.
So get on over to Amy and Angie's new site and post your entry!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:20 AM 30 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: I Heart Faces, Will
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Update on Harper
Here is the newest update from Kelly on baby Harper. Please continue to pray for them.
I wanted to give you a little glimpse at my future Miss Arkansas!
These are the best pictures we have of her right now because we have to be careful not to stimulate her by touching her or talking too loud or using a flash. We will get a MILLION pictures of her once she gets good and healthy - but for now we just want her to get well.
We think she is the most precious thing we've ever seen. I love her so much. I just can't wait for the day I can hold her and sing to her and feed her and dress her and play with her!
I'm sorry we are just now getting an update to you. My parents and I got to Tulsa about 5 yesterday. We were immediately greeted by a sweet couple who live in the area and had read my blog and had been in our situation and just wanted to comfort us and let us know they were thinking of us - they brought us a big bag of snacks and magazines and necessities. We took their picture but I'm having technical difficulties. Kuykendalls - thank you so much! Our Sunday School teachers came and sat with Scott most of the day yesterday and brought us a lot of things to help us as well. That was such a comfort to Scott.
And then out popped my blog friend Caroline and her mother! They had driven from Dallas all the way to see me. I had always hoped we would meet in real life one day and never dreamed it would be this way but we were so blessed to have them come and it just gave us a HUGE lift. (I am SOOOOOOOOO swollen from all the fluids I was given and from crying for the last 2 days - so excuse the way I look) (not that it matters).
We have had SO many people who have read my blog and are in the area bring us flowers and letters and cards and just give us encouragment. You hopefully know who you are and I hope to thank you somehow. We are overwhelmed with the outreach of so many people. I haven't had a chance to read all of my comments and e-mails. I may not respond to you right now but I want you to know that we have cried a thousand tears over how much each and every word of encouragment and prayer has meant to us. Know that we are SO eternally grateful. We would never be able to bear this if we didn't know we were covered in prayer.
We are waiting to hear from the doctor today and I will let you know what he says. Right now she is still stable but in VERY critical condition. They think she could be having heart issues. We may have a very long road ahead of us but we believe that God is going to heal our baby and He is going to use her in a very mighty way. We know God says in the Bible that when two or more agree in His name - He will answer. And we know we have 2 or 3oo,ooo people praying for us. Our prayer is that all who pray for Harper will see God's might and power and His love in the miracle we know He is going to do for us.
We love you all - whether we know you or not. Please keep praying.
Please visit Kelly's site, there is a button a little further down this post, and a link to Kelly's Korner in my blog roll.
Update from Kelly
11:30 Saturday
Praise Jesus for He is good!!! Scott just called to tell me that he just went to see Harper and the nurse said she is not even on the list for bypass (ECMO) because the doctor thinks she is responding so well to what they are doing she may not even need it. We were told in not so many words yesterday that she may not survive at all and because of so many prayers all over the world - she is improving hour by hour. We have had so much kindness shown to us over the last 24 hours - I can not even begin to tell you. Scott has had several people that we don't know but who read our blog come to see him and even brought him things. He just called me crying because he couldn't believe the kindness we have been shown. It's so overwhelming. Our whole family has cried so much because of the overwhelming kindness of friends and strangers. It certainly has encouraged us to do more for others ourselves.
Update from Kelly: Email she just sent me at 11:30am CST Saturday
Thank you SOOOOOO much - we feel God's blessings on us already - she is improving hour by hour!
Please be in prayer for the Stamps family. Their precious girl Harper was born weighing in at well over 9 lbs. but is having some very serious problems. Kelly is a PK like me and they are a very strong Christian family that is in desperate need of our prayers. Please pray for them. They are at St. Francis in Tulsa which is the same hospital that Carey gave birth to Taylor in.

Please visit their site and send them you love as well as let them know that Harper is in your prayers. You can also read a bit about Harper on Angie Smiths site.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 11:05 AM 15 Soldier's saluted this post
Labels: Harper, Prayer Request, Update
Birthday Party at Gigi and Pappaws
Taylor had a special birthday party at her grandparents house. To see the photos from her party click on her picture at the top right to navigate to her page. We hope you enjoy.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:54 AM 15 Soldier's saluted this post
Friday, January 16, 2009
Favorite Things Friday
Ok so another Favorite Things Friday. Go over to Tiffany's and check it out.

1. Chocolate covered cherries - Do I need to say more? The crazy thing about them is that they can become very addictive.
2. Seeing my kids smile - I'm really not all that sure I need to say anything here either. Especially my kids with their big blue eyes, huge dimples (from their mommy) and curly blonde hair. Could it get any better? I mean really. Of course I'm sure I'm biased just a tid bit.
3. Praying with my kids - There is nothing better in this world than listening to a child talk to God. It is moving, inspiring, and one of the most beautiful things you can ever witness. The best part about it is knowing that your kids understand the importance of faith, and talking to Him on a daily basis. Then there is always the humor that comes from listening to all the things that they will thank him for, as well as ask him.
"Dear God, why do I have to go to school when Mommy says that the teacher doesn't know what she is talking about?"
"Dear God, instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you got now?"
"Dear God, thank you for the baby brother, but I prayed for a puppy!"
"Dear God, is your last name really Dammit?"
Ok. Just so you know none of these happened in my house. The second and third I got off the internet, and the first and last I made up myself. They were based on experience though and what I could just hear a kid saying in my head. You tell me if you think they are something you could hear a kid saying.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:24 AM 25 Soldier's saluted this post
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I've Been Hugged
I am very honored to receive this award that my good friend Nicole at What A Trip has bestowed upon me. This award is given only to those who have said or done things that make an impact as well as provide comfort to others. It is given to those who induce positive emotions in others, while leaving them with the warmth of knowing that they too are special.
So without further ado, I give you my winners of this very special Huggy Award. These bloggy friends have been all these things to me and then some. I am appreciative to them beyond words.
1. Tiffany @ The Boren Life
2. Misty @ Wind Beneath My Wings
3. Courtney @ Courtney and The Boys
4. Lisa Noel @ Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy
5. Francesca @ 3 Bay B Chicks
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:31 PM 6 Soldier's saluted this post
Thanksgiving Thursday
Ok. Now for another Thanksgiving Thursday. If you like the idea of sharing things that you are thankful for, then hop on over to Nicole's and join in the fun!
1. After watching American Idol last night I'm thankful I have straight teeth that are actually white.
2. I'm thankful that I am a patient person who doesn't get upset over the little things because I know how short life is.
3. I'm thankful that God blessed me with breath in my lungs again today so that I can have at least one more day loving my wife and kids.
4. Speaking of Nicole, I'm thankful to her for the bloggy bling she gave me.
5. I'm thankful that my daughter runs a good distance away from me when she needs to fumigate her panties.
6. I'm thankful that both my kids have my wife's dimples.
7. I'm thankful to live in such a GREAT country, and that I am so proud of her.
8. I'm thankful that I have to repair things around my house because my kids break them.
9. I'm thankful for my church, that provides a place outside of the home for my children to learn about God.
10. I'm thankful to my parents and Carey's who without we wouldn't be the people that we are.
So there you have it, another Thankful Thursday. Now head on over to Nicole's and read the rest.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:24 AM 17 Soldier's saluted this post
I've Been Tagged!
Ok so Michelle at Circle of Life (most of you know her if you follow my blog) a very good bloggy buddy has tagged me. Those that know Michelle understand what a special person she is. If you dont know her then you should introduce yourself and tell her Tim sent you from Fort Thompson. She is so dedicated to following her friends and will always stop in, read your new posts, and leave a sweet comment. To me these are very much qualities that make up those people who you know will be friends for life. So thank you Michelle, I am honored.
Here are the rules:1) Link to the person who tagged you.2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).3) Write 6 random things about yourself.4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
6 things about me you might want to know OK.
#1. I am a soldier in Christ's Army
#2. My wife and kids are my world, and I will spend the rest of my life making them happy.
#3 I drink iced tea all day everyday. No coffee, sodas, no alcohol except on special occasions.
#4 I love to sing. Especially with my wife and praise songs are my favorite. Worship thru music is food for the soul.
#5 I am an avid golfer and love more than anything playing with my lifelong cart partner (my Dad)
#6 If you read my post "How did THIS Happen" you would have found that God sent an angel into my life in 1997 and has blessed me ever since. If you dont know the story I suggest you go read it. It is a bit long but should send chills down your spine and maybe cause some tears (as it has with others)but it will be well worth it.
Now that I finished this fun 6 things about me.
I need to tag 6 more friends so here I go.
# 1 Elyse @ Following Him
#2 Nicole @ What a Trip!
#3 Mimi @ He and Me + 3
#4 Lisa @ Rude Manor
#5 Angie @ SeVeN cLoWn CiRcUs
#6 Ogladi @ Margarita - On the Rocks - Lots of Salt
So there you have it. All very deserving people of this tag. So go have some fun with it and let me know when its posted. Dont forget to link bak to my blog and share some love with these folks!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 12:04 AM 7 Soldier's saluted this post
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Get OUT!
Today I won my first contest and I couldnt be more excited. It's a free blog makeover! Even though I just had my blog madeover, I am very excited to have something done that is custom by Hollie at Drama Mama Desgins.

So please go see Hollie and look at some of her work.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:34 PM 7 Soldier's saluted this post
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
How did THIS Happen?
By very popular demand..... here is the story of how God brought Carey and I together in a most unusual way.
It was the year 1997, and I had just gotten an ISP account with AOL. On one faithful day as I am surfing the internet I stumble upon a bunch of profiles that I find highly amusing. I read through them as I find it very entertaining to see how much information people would write about themselves. Amazing really.
Jump back five years to 1992.
At this point in my life I had been in several long term relationships none of which had worked out. I had always been the type that knew that I wanted to settle down, find the love of my life, and share my world with that special someone. It had just never happened and looked as if it never would. I felt as though these relationships had failed because they were not based on faith nor part of God's will. So I had resolved to not seek out someone (which would have been my will not God's) but to rather just wait. If it didn't happen then I would feel confident that I had left it to Him and that this was what he had wanted for my life. This was very difficult as I really had a desire to have a relationship, and felt deep in my heart that it would happen, however had no idea of how since I wasn't making any attempt to date. I did however give this totally and completely to God and trusted that he would indeed work His will in my life.
Now back to 1997.
It had been 5 long years, and I mean LOOOONG years since I had even been as much as on a date. I was of course totally content that being single would be His will for my life.
So I had looked at those profiles and personals on AOL just as a great way to get a good laugh (thinking in the back of my mind I would never EVER speak to someone that was willing to put that kind of info on the computer about themselves) and pass some time. Then on the second evening I did this I came across a profile that I just couldn't click past to move on to the next. It was the profile of Carey Elizabeth Owens, and she seemed to want everything in life that I did. It didn't take long though before I turned the computer off and thought nothing of it.
Several nights later I again got on the computer and found myself stumbling onto a completely different site that had profiles. I clicked through search criteria of United States, Southern States, Texas, Houston, and then picked profiles with pictures. The first one I selected out of literally hundreds of thousands was Carey. My heart skipped a beat, I got a bit freaked out, and turned the computer off pretty quickly. What was this? Could it be coincidence? Was He trying to tell me something? I just didn't know. What I did know was that this really freaked me out.
I didn't get back on the computer for quite some time. I would say it was at least a 2 to 3 week period. I hadn't really thought much of it until the next time I turned on the computer, and even then it was only in the back of my mind. I went to another site that listed personals, and as I was about ready to click on the first personal I paused before I clicked, held my breath and.........
It wasn't her and I felt so relieved. So as I sat there now with it in my conscious mind, I realized that I had not prayed about it. So I talked to God and let him know that I indeed had turned this over to him. I also prayed at that moment (as I sat in front of my PC)that if there ever was something I needed to be aware of that he would send me a sign. I finished this prayer and said Amen.
The next thing I remember is getting this chill down my spine like I had never felt before in my life. I felt faint and very week in the knees. What was this that was coursing through my body? I had surfed over to another site this being the third different one, and just after saying my prayer I clicked on a different profile on a different site.............. and it was CAREY!!! Right after deeply praying about this and asking for a sign!
My shock and surprise quickly turned to a peace that I will never be able to understand, but the nervousness never went away. Therefore, it took me about a month along with much prayer before I developed the nerve to email her for the first time. Clicking send on that email was one of the hardest things I think I have ever had to do.
So the next day I get on the computer and AOL says "You've Got Mail" literally. It was from Carey and that was by far easily one of the best days of my life. We communicated by email in the beginning, then by private chat, and eventually by phone.
In July of that year I drove the 5 hour drive that separated us. She did not live in Houston at the time, but was pulled up in the search engine because she went to Sam HOUSTON State University and Houston was in the search criteria. Funny how those search engines work. We visited for a few hours and then I made the trip back the same day. We had fallen in love long before we met in person. God had used the internet to bring me together with the love of my life. Ok.... I thought I could type this without getting emotional. I was wrong. At least its not paper or I would be starting over.
So in June of 2001 a year and a half after asking Carey's dad for her hand in marriage we were wed by my dad (he's a pastor) in front of God and many family and friends. We flew off To Hawaii to visit the islands of Oahu, Big Island, and Maui for our honeymoon. We were gone for almost three weeks and had the time of our lives.
Since then a day doesn't go by that I don't take time to thank God for his gift that is my wife. She is the love of my life and no words I type will ever compare to what she means to me and my kids. She is the love of my life, the mother of my kids, and the Hero of our family. She has given me the two most BEAUTIFUL children you will ever meet (just ask their grandparents), and 11 years later continues to be the light of my world. Her smile warms my heart and her laughter sooths my soul. I will continue to spend the rest of my life committed to making her happy.
I hope that this answers all the questions that we have received on how Carey and I met, and most importantly I hope that our story will inspire you to keep God first in your life so that you too can experience the range of emotions and blessings that his spirit will exude in your life. So many of us can remember how we felt when we were saved and accepted Him as our personal Lord and Savior. The tears that are shed in utter joy of our renewed birth is something that we will never forget. I haven't cried tears of joy like that since. I pray for all who read this and have not experienced the power of the holy spirit to talk to someone who has and learn more about salvation.
Off the subject a bit, but equally important to share...
I lost my last grandparent 2 years ago this April. She is missed so much. She had cancer and fought it among other ailments for quite sometime. On her death bed she was asked by my mother "aren't you excited about seeing daddy?" her reply was...........
"I want to see Jesus!" She was a woman of faith who has a very special place in the Kingdom of Heaven, and now my Mema has seen Jesus!
God Bless and be with all my bloggy friends who read this.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 8:30 PM 17 Soldier's saluted this post
Wordful Wednesday
This was easily the happiest day of my life. God put us together for a reason, and what could be better than knowing that you are doing something that is honoring His will. I know that this is Wordful Wednesday, but looking at this image and the moment it captures truly leaves me speechless. I'll try to have more words next time.

Now get on over to Angies and read more posts from Wordful Wednesday!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 4:45 PM 13 Soldier's saluted this post
Take the Challenge!
Ok. So I really posted this back in December, but it wasn't at the top of my blog long enough for many of you to see it I'm afraid. So I have put it back in the limelight. This is a must do my friends, so get to it because 1. it is sooo much fun, and 2. it lets us learn more about you!
The challenge is simple. You leave a comment at the bottom of this post. I will then give you a letter from the alphabet in which you are to post ten things you like that start with this letter and why. I have been challenged with the letter J. Seems as though it might be a bit tricky, but here goes nothin.
I am giving you the opportunity to not only look inside to find out those things that are at your inner being, but challenging you to share them with the rest of the blogosphere. You can do it! So post your comment and I will send you a letter. I look forward to reading your post, and we all look forward to learning more about you!
1. Jesus
This was the easy one. Jesus as in my Lord and Savior, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End. He who was sent to die on the cross in order to grant me and you salvation. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
2. Jokes
Jokes emit laughter, and to me laughter is medicine for the soul. Have you ever heard a good joke that you laughed at that made you feel bad? Of course not. Make it a point to do something today that will make you laugh and most importantly someone else.
The act of rejoicing: The state of being jubilant; an expression of great joy. This is the way I live my life. Doing things that allow me the inner peace I need to feel this way all the time.
4. Joy
This is the one thing I strive daily to bring into the lives of those around me. It is my feeling that you are not truly happy until you are experiencing joy. Joy is the overwhelming feeling that only God can bless you with. When you experience true Joy you never forget it. Like the days your kids where born, the day you where married, the day you were saved and asked God to come into your heart and take control of your life. These type of events that bring one to tears are the result of true joy.
5. Jalapenos
I love these things. I am one who is big on spicy foods. One of the things I enjoy about this pepper is the anticipation it brings. Analogy from the movie Forrest Gump. "jalapenos are allot like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get". Some are mild, some are sweet, and then some just rock your world! Now that's what I'm talking about!
6. Juvenile
Not fully developed; not yet adult: This is the way I wish that my kids would stay forever. You know innocent, young, full of life. Not having to watch them grow up would be so much easier.
7. Jacuzzi
Do I even need to explain this one? We don't have a spa, but we do have a jacuzzi tub and let me just say, I LOVE THAT THING!
8. Junior
My son is a junior, although my wife would never let anyone call him this much less something like Bubba. Anyway, since he is my son and I love him so much he makes the list. If there was a j word for daughter and wife then they would be here also. Let me also just say that these are in no particular order, for if they were my son junior would have been number two.
9. Jazz
Do I need to explain? It is only some of the best music you will ever put ears to.
10. Jig
I love to watch my kids dance a little jig in the living room when music is on, but especially when it is upbeat. If you have ever watched kids dance, especially your own then you know what I mean. Enough said.
So while I don't feel that I knocked it out of the park, I do feel that I conquered a pretty difficult letter. So remember to click on the post a comment link below and ask to do this challenge and I will send you a letter. Your blogger friends will be glad you did. Go ahead do it!!!! This is a great way to learn more about all those that are in your bloggy circles! After all that is the essence of blogging right?
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 4:30 PM 9 Soldier's saluted this post
Monday, January 12, 2009
My first entry that I was unprepared for. I just grabbed the first thing I could find. They will get better I promise! Go to I heart faces and join in the fun!

Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:36 AM 24 Soldier's saluted this post
Not Me Monday!

I did NOT sing high school musical songs in the car with a bunch of 5 and 6 year old girls this week.
I did NOT watch my 2 year old son (as he was learning to potty) stand up after just pooping a little bit, continue to drop pellets like a bunny all over the floor as he walked around as if to leave a trail to make sure he knew how to get back. And then after I thought it was all picked up, laugh as I heard my daughter screaming "DON'T TOUCH ME, DON'T TOUCH ME, DON'T TOUCH ME" only to find out that he was trying to hand her a piece that obviously I had missed. My son is SO thoughtful isn't he? He's willing to give of himself completely! Just touching!!! Eww
I did NOT walk away from my daughter like I didn't even know she existed at the grocery store right after she busted rear louder than what I could and sustained it for at least 5 seconds.
Ok... so I apologize to those of you with weak stomachs.
For all reading this please give me a break as it is only my first attempt. I hope I have done it justice. I just figured that you cant go wrong when it comes to things with the kids right? Now go on over to MckMama's and see the rest of the Not Me Monday's.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 2:12 AM 14 Soldier's saluted this post
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Lipstick, Nail Polish, and Blush Oh My!
Can you tell they are playing possum? I was trying to get a pic of them acting like they were sleeping. Yeah right! So the acting award goes to..........
Drum Roll Please...................
Katie!!!!! So see if you can figure out which one is Katie and let me know if you were right!
So go to Taylor's page by clicking on her picture to the right and see the pics and what happened at the birthday sleepover!!! Make sure you tell her Happy Birthday!!!!! It was the funnest girliest day she has ever had. See for yourself and experience the fun!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 6:11 PM 21 Soldier's saluted this post
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Favorite Things Friday

Ok.... So here is my first attempt at Favorite Things. Please click on the button above and visit Tiffany if you are interested in doing favorite things Friday. It is a great way to share with you readers the things that are near and dear to you. They will appreciate it for sure. Tell her Tim sent you.
1. My kids - spending time with them is fun enough in itself, however when they do things that make me laugh it is food for the soul. Just another reminder from God as to why this gift is so very special, and why I should be so appreciative and slow to anger when they do something that upsets me.
2. RockBand2 - This game is awesome! It's so addictive. I could really play it all night. I especially enjoy watching my kids give it a whirl on the drums. Taylor is actually very good.
3. Sleep - I loves me some sleep. Do I really need to explain this one? I thought not.
4. Golf - Especially with my dad. I have played golf with him all my life. He will forever be my golf partner, best friend, mentor, hero, inspiration, you name it. I was able to find a framed picture for him of a boy and his dad playing golf as they held hands. (See post below for pic) I had to give it to him for Christmas since all my life he has always called me "partner." The picture said Partners Forever and even though I knew it would make him cry as it did me when I bought it I knew I had to have it. That picture of giving it to him is soon to go up so keep an eye out for it. Oh no. I got of subject and it resulted in more long windedness. That's me and Tiffany's new word that we share. Sorry Tiff. :( Anyway there are many reasons golf is one of my favorite things and the main reason is my Dad so I thought I should share. He is my golf partner, but first and foremost I am his partner for eternity. God has a very special place for him to play golf in Heaven let me tell ya. He is also a pastor by the way, and words could never describe how much he means to me.
So I hope I did this justice being a first timer. I'm sure that Tiff will let me know. So what are you waiting on? Get on over to Tiff's and do your favorite things. We are dying to learn more about ya!!!
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 10:57 PM 16 Soldier's saluted this post
Christmas at Fort Thompson
I apologize for just now getting these pics up, but I had lost the disc. Carey found it, as she usually always does. She's our finder.
We had Santa here and then opened presents with my sister, brother in law, niece, nephew, mom and dad. It was a great time. Of course the kids loaded up, and it couldn't have gotten any better for them.
Santa's Spread it was dark so it might be hard to see.
The kids just getting up.
Will, Anna Claire, Taylor, and Reagan
My Dad's picture I got him that I mentioned in Favorite Things Friday. My Mom in the background holding her new digital camera we got her.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:26 PM 10 Soldier's saluted this post
Thanksgiving Thursday
I am starting this because I believe so compassionately in how important it is for us to always be thankful for the good things we have. It keeps us grounded and separates us from sad and envious feelings we may have about things we don't have.
Please visit Nicole at What a Trip if you are interested in getting involved in sharing those things that you are so thankful to be blessed with on Thursdays.

Today I am thankful for people.
I know this wasn't very interesting, but give me a break it was just the first one. I promise to put more thought into it next week.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 3:03 PM 13 Soldier's saluted this post
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
More Taylor Talk!
Ok so this one was a doozy!
We are at the grocery store tonight picking up some things. For some reason it seemed to be unusually busy. I'm in the meat department with my kids (Will in the basket and Taylor walking, skipping, dancing, whatever you want to call it next to me). I'm looking along one of the wall coolers at meat. Taylor walks over all of the sudden like to the cooler that is on the floor in the middle of the isle. You know the open top kind that just looks like a huge watering trough. I just happened to go over there right after her so I could look at the steaks and she says "daddy go away!" So I say "what for" and she says to me (in that VERY LOUD tone like I should have known so why was I even asking) "I'M TOOTIN!!!!!" Right as she says this I realize that there are about 7 to 8 people standing around us (there are ALWAYS so many people in the meat section) as evidenced by the fact that they all turned around and looked at us smiling, some even laughing. I have NEVER been so embarrassed in my life! Well at least that's what I thought.....
then just seconds later as EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) stared at us, she rips one out that I swear sounded like one of mine. It must have lasted over 5 seconds and I'm not even kidding. Not to mention she had her butt squeezed up against that cooler so tight(as if she was gonna hold it in) and that just amplified it even more. At least it made the people leave. :)
I'm sure this was funnier in person, but I thought I just had to share. Leave me a comment with some of your kids most entertaining moments.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 7:34 PM 16 Soldier's saluted this post
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Taylor Talk
We haven't had many of these lately as Taylor is getting older now and knows better what to say and not to say around people. However today she said something that made me laugh so hard I had to share.
We were looking for a camera disc that I had lost. Thus the reason that our Christmas pictures aren't up yet. Anyway, I had told her that if she found it she would get a really neat surprise. Let me just say that she was trying really hard.
So she tells me that there is something that she wants to say but she doesn't want to say it because she knows she wont get the surprise. So I say, what do you want to say Taylor, that you cant find the disc? She says yes she doesn't want to say that because she knows she wont get it, so I tell her to keep looking. She goes immediately into deep thought and then says the following.
"Well maybe Wilson (Will's nickname) got it and took it in his room and hood it".
Oh that was FUNNY just typing it. Maybe you would have had to hear her say it. Anyway she was trying to find the past tense form of hide which of course is hid. She didn't know it so she made up "hood" it. Too funny if you ask me.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 1:06 AM 22 Soldier's saluted this post
Monday, January 5, 2009
Special Post
A special post is in order to recognize the person that took time out of her day to help make our little blog seem a little more important. She did so much to make sure that it was just to our liking. It was exactly what we wanted, no more no less. Perfect is the word.
So may I introduce to those who don't know her already from her celebrity status, Misty Rice. She is one heck of a great photographer, and her design skills are unsurpassed. Take one look at this blog really close and you will see that. Then click on the flag framed picks at the top to go see other blogs of ours that she also did. This is the closest thing you can get to a custom layout. So make sure that you leave a message on this post and tell her what you think. I know she will appreciate it. So go ahead and show her some love.
So thank you Misty for all you have done. We will never be able to thank you enough. God Bless you and your family. You are always in our prayers.
Posted by Tim Posted by Tim at 9:55 PM 2 Soldier's saluted this post