I wanted to thank those of you who have sent me email asking how I am doing. It means more to me than you will ever know, and the prayers have been much needed.
I am feeling a little bit better, however I know I still have a long way to go. I have a very weak immune system to begin with, so asking it to handle something like this on its own will be tricky. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
So let me set the scene for what happened today at the doctors office:
Our entire family is sitting waiting in the patients room for the doctor to come in. The nurse has just left and we are seeking ways to keep the kids occupied and quite. For those who don't know, my son is 2 and my daughter just turned 6. It went something like this....
Me: Will, lower your voice please.
Will: voish? wat voish?
Me: (pointing to my mouth) your mouth, make your mouth quiet.
Will: uh...ohhhh mouuuf! (as he points to his own mouth)
Me: that's right close your mouth.
Taylor: Daddy's got a BIG MOUTH!
Of course she is talking about the actual size of it, but that wasn't the way it sounded.
After the laughter subsides:
Taylor: He's got the biggest belly too!
I know you are all quite happy now that I am one who takes life lightly enough to share this kind of moment with you even thought they are so incriminating to me. So to that end I say, you better have laughed!!
THIS JUST IN..........
Will goes to the kitchen and puts a small piece of paper in the trash for mommy. He then quickly returns to ask the following question.
Wat I geeaat? Mommy wat I geeaat? As if he needs an award or something. He is freakin two!
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
5 years ago
25 Soldier's saluted this post:
I'm glad there's laughter happenin' over there at Fort Thompson!
How funny about daddy's big Mouf and belly--out of the mouth of babes. :)
And, I'm already a follower so I can't help you, but you can make yourself a follower just to get off of 66 (not that I did that! LOL) ;)
That is so funny. So you have a big mouf and belly huh? I will go have my friend start following you to get you off of 66.
So glad you are feeling better! It's been pretty quiet on here without your daily humor. Your kids are hilarious!! Big mouf and big belly Tim!!! Way to go Taylor and Will!!
And I know you'll have way more followers very soon. People just don't know what they are missing, especially on "Not Me Mondays".
Take care and have a good weekend!! Also, thanks for all the nice comments you leave me. You are a great man! Your family is very lucky to have you.
Oh Tim I'm sorry!
I didn't realize you were so sick!
Please know I am praying for your recovery.
~Take Care, Melissa
Glad you are feeling a bit better, but after that conversation in the doctors office, you may have a bruised ego now too. LOL Kids are so funny. Already follow, can't help you there...I could stop following, and that would get you off 66...kidding
We hope you are feeling better today!
Oh, I laughed....but NOT at you, of course!!!! Just at the things kids say...so cute!
Still praying for you!!
Well thanks, good buddy, on the congrats! I'm feelin' mighty special this morning! :) And congrats to YOU for getting over the 66 hump! Yay for Tyler and Ava for getting you over! Hope you're on the mend...
Ahh kids... they learn quickly after being so well trained as babies. I mean, we clap when they try to say their first word, jump up and down when they learn to crawl, and cheer loudly when they throw a ball... so of course they want some some of payment when they do something we encourage them to do, right? :)
I finally figured out that my kid doesn't know the difference between regular gummy bears and vitamin ones... so that's his "treat"!
Glad you're feeling better!
This was to funny:)
We still pray for you.
Blesses from Norway.
Sorry to hear that you are down for the count, but at least you can always count on the kids to make you laugh (& us too!)! Take care.
That is so funny, big mouth huh? too cute ..... Well I'm really enjoying your blog, and plan on checking pit some of your other post so I can read what's wrong with ya? I'm glad your better! =)
You have the cutest stories to share...relish in the moments! They go by so fast! Read my post from today and you'll understand what I mean!
Hope you're feeling much better today!
Hahaha, that sounds like something I would've said at that age!
And man, I ALWAYS wanted something after I had done something for someone.
I ate dinner? Awesome. Give me ice cream now.
I'm glad you're a little better. Kids give us the greatest stories, these made me laugh!
Take care of yourself and I'll pray that you regain moreof your strength everyday.
I hope you're feeling back to yourself soon!
With all the yuck you've had to deal with lately, you needed a laugh!
And you definitely made me laugh as well. Not AT you, just WITH you. ;)
Tim, you are the winner of my giveaway :) Please send your mailing address to me: kanosfamily@msn.com
It sounds as though everyone is feeling better. :) I miss my boys being little.
I'm so glad that you're feeling a bit more like yourself and getting stronger. You'll continue to be in my prayers, Tim!
Hey Tim,
You asked what a dropper was. Well it is Entrecard, a blogger social network to get more traffic to your site. It is really cool and has tripled my traffic. If you look at my page you will see a blog of the day, that is Entrecard. Check it out! I hope you feel better!
TAG, you're it my friend!!
I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better...I am cont. to pray for your health and getting better! Hope you had a great weekend!
Glad you're feeling a little better. I've had the flu TWICE!!! And thought I would die both times. Since then, I've gotten my flu shot - and that's helped (at least that's what I'm attributing it to.)
Get well soon.
Get better soon!
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