Ok.... So here is my first attempt at Favorite Things. Please click on the button above and visit Tiffany if you are interested in doing favorite things Friday. It is a great way to share with you readers the things that are near and dear to you. They will appreciate it for sure. Tell her Tim sent you.
1. My kids - spending time with them is fun enough in itself, however when they do things that make me laugh it is food for the soul. Just another reminder from God as to why this gift is so very special, and why I should be so appreciative and slow to anger when they do something that upsets me.
2. RockBand2 - This game is awesome! It's so addictive. I could really play it all night. I especially enjoy watching my kids give it a whirl on the drums. Taylor is actually very good.
3. Sleep - I loves me some sleep. Do I really need to explain this one? I thought not.
4. Golf - Especially with my dad. I have played golf with him all my life. He will forever be my golf partner, best friend, mentor, hero, inspiration, you name it. I was able to find a framed picture for him of a boy and his dad playing golf as they held hands. (See post below for pic) I had to give it to him for Christmas since all my life he has always called me "partner." The picture said Partners Forever and even though I knew it would make him cry as it did me when I bought it I knew I had to have it. That picture of giving it to him is soon to go up so keep an eye out for it. Oh no. I got of subject and it resulted in more long windedness. That's me and Tiffany's new word that we share. Sorry Tiff. :( Anyway there are many reasons golf is one of my favorite things and the main reason is my Dad so I thought I should share. He is my golf partner, but first and foremost I am his partner for eternity. God has a very special place for him to play golf in Heaven let me tell ya. He is also a pastor by the way, and words could never describe how much he means to me.
So I hope I did this justice being a first timer. I'm sure that Tiff will let me know. So what are you waiting on? Get on over to Tiff's and do your favorite things. We are dying to learn more about ya!!!
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Love my sleep as well...heheheh! I hope you have had a great week! Maybe next week I will give this a try:) Hope all is well!
Oh geez do I love sleep also. Must be the night shifter in me. I can sleep anytime anywhere.
That was very fun. I may have to try this too one Friday. That was awesome one about your Dad.
Is it just me or did you miss #5? It's early...so it could be me. LOL
awesome first FTF...the golf pic for your dad is great!!
Hey MiMi,
I know 4 is not exactly a round type number is it? It was my understanding that you could just do as many as you wanted. I noticed that Tiff only did 3 I think. I could have that wrong. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I will for sure make it more reader friendly next time and do a round number like 3, 5, 10, whatever. Thanks for being so perceptive, I like that in people.
LOL 4! What WAS I thining? It does sound a bit ridiculous now doesnt it? Even more so now that I think about it more. Its kinda like when you look at a word to long and you start to think is that spelled right? Then you think, what kind of word is that? And the more you think about it the more ridiculous it sounds? Like lets do an example, Dog. Look at those three simple letters d o g. Keep studying them and soon you will start thinking.... now who came up with this ridiculous word. Dog? What the heck is a dog?
Now here is the way this is going to go so I will tell you in advance. You will either get what I am saying about over anylizing words, or you will think that I have totally lost it, and you will be right either way.
Your favorite things are just precious!!!! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and i'm glad i stopped by yours as well!!
Oh my, somehow I missed a few posts! But I'm caught up now :) Have a great day, Tim!
I would have to say that you are off to a smashing start with this blog carnival. So much fun to read about your favorite things, especially the touching story about golfing with your Dad. Very sweet!
I have got to play RockBand2 sometime and see what all of this buzz is about. I fear that I may really be missing out!
Happy Friday!
What a great post! Love your list and sleep...oh how I love sleep :)
My kids keep telling me about how much fun Rock Band is but I have yet to try it out. I'll have to! And I am completely in agreement with you about sleep...Love it!
I nabbed your button too! :)
first off, this post was great!! we have guitar hero, the kids play fer hourz if we allow. and I seriously get you with the sleep thing- I am useless with out enough!! Love theblawg, very creatve!! ♥LA
Woohoo! I just got Rock Band On Tour for my DS - it rocks! I'd give it up though for a little more of #3! In a heartbeat!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment!
The Boxcar Children is the original and is how you remember. I got mine at a library used book sale (got the first five books there) but I just checked Amazon and the site has them listed for sale both used and new.
I hope you will continue to pop over and "visit" us. :)
I LOVES me some sleep too! Ha Ha. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Speaking of beautiful kids, your 2 are GORGEOUS!! That daughter of yours has a beautiful smile and your son is just precious. They look like very happy kiddos. So glad I found your blog!!! (Post that pic of your dad with the picture you gave him soon.)
I LOVES me some sleep too! Ha Ha. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Speaking of beautiful kids, your 2 are GORGEOUS!! Your daughter has a BEAUTIFUL smile and your son is ADORABLE. They look like they are very happy kiddos. I'm so glad I found your blog. You are hilarious. Post that pic of your Dad with the picture you gave him very soon. I want to see that.
Thanks April,
The pic of my dad has been posted. You might not have seen it because I was late putting it up so it didnt go to the top of the blog. It is just below this post. Christmas at the Thompson's.
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