So many of you have asked many questions about our puppy. Most of you just want to know what he is. So this post will hopefully give you some clarification. He is an F1 hybrid known as a maltipoo. Cross between a full pedigree Maltese and a full pedigree Toy Poodle. This is a very popular breed not only due to their cuteness, but also for their lack of health problems that are always present in non hybrid breeds.
He is 3 lbs. now as a 9 week old puppy but wont gain more than 3 to 4 more pounds. His father was 8 lb Maltese and mother a 6 lb. Toy Poodle. He will not change at all in looks as he gets older, and will never shed. Because he doesn't shed he will need regular groomings.
Here is the info on each of the breeds:
Toy Poodle Characteristics:
The Toy Poodle is an elegant, lively, small dog with a profuse, but well-groomed and clipped curly coat. The ears are long, flat and wide, laying close to the head. They like to go for a walk, and will keep in better humor and be fitter if given regular opportunities to run free in a safe area. Toy Poodles are not demanding as far as exercise goes. These dogs are good for city life as well as country living. They are very active indoors and will do okay without a yard. The Toy Poodle is sensitive and remarkably intelligent. Highly responsive, they are said to be one of the most trainable breeds. Pleasant, happy, perky and lively, they like to be with people.
Maltese Characteristics:
The Maltese breed is known for their gentle manner and affectionate personality. They are playful not only as puppies but also as adults. They are playful and friendly to all they meet. Since the Maltese are non-shedding as well as hypoallergenic they are very clean. They are a lapdog that loves to please and does well with basic obedience. The affectionate Maltese, with its devoted manner, could fit into any home where a dog with a bubbly, happy personality is desired. This sweet, playful dog will weave its way straight into your heart.
These pics aren't of our little puppy, but they look just like him. I haven't taken any pics yet nor have we chosen a name. The reason for this is because there is a small chance that my son may be allergic to him, so we are trying not to get too attached. That is so hard with a cute little puppy by the way.
This is a hypoallergenic breed so there shouldn't be much of an allergy problem, but I ma sure that it still sometimes exists just because allergies come from the dander of the skin not because of fur shedding. He doesn't have fur, he has hair so he wont shed but Will might still be allergic. Please pray that he is not because it will be very hard on the kids if we have to take him back or find him another home. I'm not all that sure we could even get our money back, so hopefully this works out. We are hopeful that it is just the shampoo they used or the perfume when we bought him.
No pictures will be posted until we know its safe to keep him. At that time we will announce his name as well as the winner of the contest. You all have given us so much to choose from, and it is so helpful because choosing the right name for a family member is always difficult. So keep the ideas coming in. You can post them in the comments here.
Love and Prayers,
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What a sweet little thing he is!
Awww, Tim! I hope there aren't any allergies!!! Praying for the best for Will and new puppy.
What an adorable puppy! We eventually will be looking for a puppy, but I need to keep allergies in mind when searching. Thanks for the info.
Creative and Curious Kids!
Oh I hope he's not allergic! But if he is that will be sad, but it happens.
Oh no! Sorry about the possible allergy.
I was just going to comment and say that his little blonde mop of curls reminded me of a certain Will :) So even "Junior" or "Buddy" would fit him!
That puppy is sweet, but not nearly as sweet as yours! I really hope AND pray that everything works out with Will's allergies. Keeping my fingers crossed...I don't want those precious kids of yours to get their hearts broken. That would break MY heart! I didn't realize that a maltipoo is hypoallergenic and non-shedding...same way with Bella, our Shih-Tzu!
Oh that is such a bummer! Hopefully all goes well!
Absolutely adorable!! I had a pure breed Maltese, and he was such a sweet heart, and a total lap dog. He passed away last summer just shy of 5 yrs old...still not sure what brought on the seizure...but it that is one of the major problems with pure breeds. I also had a poodle as a kid, they are great dogs...and not having to deal with shedding is a HUGE benefit!!!
He has to be one of the cutest puppies that I've ever seen. I mean that.
That puppy is just precious. I hoep that Will is not allergic and that you get to keep him.
I sure hope that everything works out for your family. I can't wait to see the real dog, these pictures are so cute!
Those pics are so cute! (Yes, I know it's not your puppy. But still!)
I think that the allergies shouldn't be a problem. Give it like a week to see how he's doing.
Can't wait to see the name if you keep the puppy!
Hope you guys get to keep the puppy! The kids looked so happy with him.
Oh, if you can't keep him send him my way...adorable and that would take the stress of trying to find the PERFECT dog off my shoulders....Thanks! Just adorable!
Oh I WILL pray you can keep him because I know it would devastate the kids! Sometimes exposure to animals and dust and whatnot can actually help kids develop defense against allergies. Hope that's the case here.
This theory is the reason I don't dust my home and that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :)
too adorable! my cat is like 4 times its size...i wouldnt know what to do with a little pet :)
Awwwe! I hope he gets a name soon.
UGH, sooooo cute!
(My daughter, Natalie, is allergic to the saliva--it's not uncommon. So, when a hypo-allergenic puppy bites on her hand, she gets itchy hives and welts. I just thought I'd mention it so you can check for that, too.)
Soooo cute!
That puppy is toooooooo sweet :)
Ok, He looks like he has lots of character so here goes:
Oscar - Odd Couple
Rum Tum Tugger (Tugger for short)- Cats the musical
I will try to come up with more!!
Such a cute puppy.
Hey there! You did NOTHING wrong! I thought I scared you away! Wow, things have changed around here. You're moving and grooving! Have a wonderful weekend!
What an adorable little sweetie! We just got another pup on Wednesday. When I was little I used to want a toy poodle.
He is so cute. We are praying and hoping you can keep him. Ava just loves looking at him. She really wants a little dog to love just like that one and to carry around in her purse!
Oh, Tim.. he is adorable!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!
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