Ok here is the scene:
I am helping Taylor with homework. We are in the process of reading. That is her doing the reading and me assisting when needed. Then of course me doing some reading as well while she follows along with the words.
So she is reading and comes to the word beach. The following ensues:
Taylor - Bee-otch They played on the bee-otch.
Me - Laughing hysterically.
Taylor - (raising her voice) BEE-OTCH!! Daddy BEE-OTCH
Me - (laughing harder) its not bee-otch Taylor.
Taylor - Even more upset at my laughing screams at the top of her lungs for all the world to hear....... BEE-OTCH!!!!
We were at the table in the backyard by the way.
Me - No Taylor the word is NOT Bee-otch.
Taylor - Oh...... OK I KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!!!
Me - Then what is it?
Taylor - (beaming with pride) Its BEE-ATCH!!!!! (smile on her face)
Me - More continuous laughter as I thank God once again for my children.
Me - The word is beach Taylor.
Taylor - OHHHHHHH they played on the beeeeach! So why were you laughing at me then.
Me - Because you are soooooooo beautiful sometimes I just laugh out loud with happiness that your my daughter.
Have a great weekend!
Love and Prayers,
P.S. We plan on having a name for the puppy by Monday, so get your entries in now while there is still time. We have many good ones to choose from but havent had anything just knock us over yet where we just knew that was it. The more suggestions the more it helps. Unique names seem to be doing well as of late. Especially those that have some kind of meaning behind them.
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
5 years ago
20 Soldier's saluted this post:
It's cute now, but when she really knows the word it isn't as adorable. Ha!
get some bee-otch!!
that's what she meant to say!!
ROFL!!! You can't PAY for THIS kind of entertainment! And after seeing the videos you posted - and she is SOOOO precious by the way - I can just see the frustration on that little face as she "SWORE" she was saying it right.
My son, who is 14, was a very struggling reader early on. Now he is pretty fluid but in his effort to BE fluid, he occasionally says what he THINKS it says instead of the actual word. During Bible study and reading outloud this week, he came across a passage that referenced "sacred bowls" and it came out "scattered bowels!" We got some good hee-hawing out of THAT I can tell you.
YOU might even appreciate THAT one in light of your recent adventures! LOL!
Sooooo cute!!!
That Taylor is the cutest little thing! I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face, either! I absolutely love your explanation for why you were laughing...what a great daddy you are!
Gotta love phonics. LOL
Love the story! Bless her heart, but thank goodness she is persistent in reading and learning the words!
Dude. That's hilarious!
How adorable! And I love how you reacted. :)
Oh sooo funny! and cute!
Too cute! :)
Innocence is grand isn't it?
Oh! There's a name for the dog!!! innocence!!!
That is an OK kind of argument to have with your daughter! Too funny! Kids are so sweet when they are learning how to read (and write too. I love creative spelling.)
Oh, that is just TOO funny!!! Love those kinds of conversations... ;)
Hey Tim!
Contact me anytime at robynnsravings at gmail dot com. (Spelled out to throw the spammers off the scent!)
Holy cow that was hilarious! I am cracking up!! I can just imagine that scene!
Oh, this is too funny. I laughed so hard I cried. Thanks for sharing!
LOL, I'm cracking up here. This is hilarious! And I love your comeback when she asked why you were laughing at her. Nice cover ;-)
Ohhh...I'm laughing with tears! That is fantastic! Kids are so wonderful!
Thanks for sharing!
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