So in honor of those of you who mention that you cheat from time to time, I give you Will this week. I let him fall asleep on the couch while I was up doing some things and thought I would use him for this weeks Vlogemotion post. He didnt really say much, but give him a break hes only 2.
Really though, I enjoy anything that you do in your posts so please feel free to be as creative as you want. We enjoy these things, trust me!
For those of you first time vloggers, here are the rules:
1. Post the Vlogemotions button above so that those who come to visit your vlog post can link back to The Fort to see others. You can grab the code from the left sidebar.
2. Post you vlog (video blog) and share the strongest emotion that you felt during the week.
3. After your Vlogemotions post is up, come here and link up at Mr. Linky below.
4. Visit the other vloggers and LEAVE NICE COMMENTS!
5. Have fun this carnival is a BLAST!!!
Love and Prayers,